t h r e e

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You took off your shoes on the porch and set them down next to the nonexistent doormat. "How come you don't have a doormat?" You asked.

Riki shrugged as he unlocked the door with a key from his pocket. "Dunno." He glanced at your shoes on the ground. "You can keep them on the shoe mat inside." He said.

You nodded and picked up your shoes, following him inside with your head down. Seeing a little mat with shoes lined up on it, you placed your shoes down on it. You looked up when Riki crouched down next you and placed his own shoes beside you.

The way his hair fell across his face was pretty. Everything about him radiated pretty. He looked at you sideways and raised his eyebrows, standing up again. "What?"

"Oh." You remained crouching for a moment more before standing up. "Nothing..where will I sleep?"

Riki frowned at you as if second guessing picking up a random person from the forest. "I'll show you." He said. You nodded and followed him up a short flight of stairs, studying the honey colored floor as you walked. There was lots of wood in the cottage, but not in a weird way.

It all just looked really soft and warm, very homey. You couldn't see much of the house but the walls were a pale off white color and in the space between two doors upstairs hung a canvas. On the canvas was a little painting of mushrooms and a sweet little butterfly.

Riki noticed you'd paused and were studying the painting with a tilted head. He sucked on his bottom lip. "It's been here since before I was born..my mom made it."

"Oh." You said softly. "It's so pretty."

"Yeah." He said simply. He took another couple steps forward and pulled open a warm brown door. You followed and peeked around his shoulder. "The..guest room, i guess." Riki said. He glanced at you. "You can sleep here for tonight. Tomorrow we can go find your town or whatever."

"Okay." You nodded. You slipped around him and into the room, inspecting it. The bed was some sort of in between size and layered with off white sheets. A white transparent canopy hung over it and the dresser was a pleasant light brown. You glanced back at Riki. "Your house is really nice."

He smiled a little and moistened his lips. "I know." He nodded to you and gently half shut the door. Before he left, he whispered through. "My room is down the hall. The one all the way at the end."

"Okay." You replied softly. You listened to his retreating footsteps before turning to the bed. You sighed and pushed aside the wispy canopy, flopping down onto the fluffy mattress. You squeezed your eyes shut.

"What now?" You asked yourself. You turned over so you were facing up and placed your hands on your stomach. "This feels like a dream." You whispered to the moonlight.

You glanced at the bars of silvery light laid out across the ground. It was amazing how those slivers of moonlight lit up the entire room.

You fumbled with the covers until you could lift them and crawled underneath. You lay them over your body and shut your eyes. You weren't sure the time but it was late and you were sleepy. You opened your eyes and gasped softly. "I don't have my phone." You muttered.

"Oh noo.." You turned and stuffed your face into your pillow. You'd probably left it in one of your friends' bike baskets. You groaned and let out a heavy breath. "Fine." You said to the universe.

"Fine." You lowered your voice. "Leave me alone with pretty forest boy and no way of communication. That is perfectly fine." You frowned.

Trying again, you curled your knees up to your chest and shut your eyes. If you slept, the night would go by much faster.

Even so, you couldn't sleep for a long time. The bed was comfortable, but it was quiet in the strangest way. Here, you heard the soft rustle of wildlife, but usually you would hear maybe the breeze or the rare late night rattle of a car engine.

You curled yourself up tightly under the covers and held your hands close to your chest. You also didn't have any pajamas to wear. You probably should've asked beforehand. You let out a soft breath and swallowed.

When you finally stopped thinking about it, you finally fell asleep.

candy land; nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now