f o u r

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When you woke up, you discovered a shirt and pair of pants at the foot of your bed, not to mention the toothbrush and little pink candy.

Blinking sleepily, you dipped your hand into your pocket and fished for the candy from the previous day. Pulling it out, you discovered it was only a little squished. You let out a relieved breath and pulled yourself out of bed. You gathered up the things at the end of the bed and walked out of the room. You look around. Riki hadn't exactly told you were the bathroom was.

"Um." You said awkwardly. You looked to the end of the hall where Riki's room would be. The door was closed. You sucked on your lips. Should you go knock? You made up your mind and approached the door. You knocked lightly. "Um, Riki?" You asked softly.

"Huh?" You heard muffled from inside. You heard a thump like he might've fallen out of bed and jumped in surprise. You took a step back when he opened the door. Riki ran a hand through his hair and sighed sleepily. "What?"

"Where's..the bathroom?" You asked.

"Oh." He tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes and pouted fluffily. Some part of your mind couldn't help but think that he was just so cute.

Riki leaned around and pointed. "The door to the left of the mushroom painting. The two on the right are my sisters'." He said.

"Okay, thank you." You bowed to him a little and walked as unawkwardly to the bathroom as you could. It was still sort of awkward. Nishimura Riki was as good as a stranger to you. You'd known him for all of one afternoon and a couple of minutes.

Again, some part of you couldn't help but think about just how pretty he was; about how the universe had favored him in the looks department and you definitely wanted to get to know him better.

You locked the door after yourself and searched for the toothpaste. You were still sort of half asleep. The toothpaste tasted minty as usual but at the same time sweet like candy.


After you brushed your teeth, washed your face and changed, you put both of the candies in your pocket before thinking twice. As you opened the door, you took the squished one out; as you walked you unraveled the shiny pink wrapper.

You crinkled it up in your right fist and inspected the candy. It was simple, a small caramel in an oval shape- or at least it had been oval shaped before you slept with it in your pocket.

You stuck the wrapper back in your pocket and placed the candy on your tongue. You stopped short in front of the stairs. 

It tasted like magic.

You sucked on the candy a little and half shut your eyes, putting your hand on the railing.

The candy was small and the perfect kind of sweet. You twirled it around in your mouth as you walked down the stairs. You didn't think you'd ever tasted something like it before.

When you got to the bottom of the stairs, you turned a short corner and found yourself facing a sliding glass door. You glanced to the left; kitchen. You glanced to the right; living room.

"Uhm, hi?" You said softly. An older girl with dark hair jumped in surprise and turned around, wide eyed. She stared at you. "Oh my god. You nearly gave me a heart attack." She lowered her right hand where she'd been holding a spatula. "Who are you?" She eyed your figure. "That's Riki's shirt, are you-"

"No, no!" You waved your hands frantically. "No, I just.." You fiddled with your fingers anxiously. "To put it simply, I got lost in the woods last night and he found me."

The girl looked at you skeptically. "All right..I'm Konon. The older sister. The younger sister left to sleep over at a friends house earlier this morning."

"Oh, what's the time?" You glanced at an analog clock on the wall in the corner.

"Afternoon." Konon said. "Is Riki awake yet? You slept in the guest room, right?"

"Yes and yes." You said. You scanned the kitchen. It was lit by bright sunshine and smelled like warm cookies. "Not to be rude, but can I sit down?"

"Oh, sure." Konon sat down at the dining table and dragged a chair out for you. You sat down next to her. "Thank you. Konon, right?"

"Yeah, what's your name?"

"I'm l/n y/n." You smiled a little. "Sorry for sleeping so late." You laughed a tiny bit. Konon laughed too. "It's okay. Riki always sleep this late anyway."

"So," You started fiddling with your fingers again. "Do you not go to school or..?"

"Right." Konon nodded. "Actually, we both work and we send our little sister to school in Snowdrop Hills. The town in the east."

You nodded. "Yeah, I live in Evermore Crest. The town in the west." You said. Konon nodded as well. "Anyway, I work on weekdays and he works weekends, mondays and wendsdays. He actually has work today." She frowned at the ceiling as if it might reach him upstairs. "He has to be there by one on weekends. It's some restaurant. He has afternoon shift." She looked back down and smiled crookedly.

Konon's eyes had a similar sparkle to Riki's, but both were unique in their own way.

"Oh." You said. "Um, I don't know my way back to Evermore Crest so-"

"Konon can I skip work today?" Riki asked as he walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the fridge. You blinked, surprised at being cut off.

You watched as he opened up the freezer and found himself a box of microwaveable bungeoppang. "I need to help y/n find Town or whatever."

"Evermore Crest." You corrected. Konon frowned. "You can't just skip work."

"But I have to help this dumb person." Riki motioned at you with a plate as he slid the bungeoppang out of the package. You rolled your eyes.

"Don't call y/n dumb." Konon started. "And you didn't even give your work a heads up."

Riki shrugged as he continued his process of microwaving the bungeoppang. "I can call in sick."

"Still." Konon muttered.

"Um.." You studied both of their faces, looking back and forth at the siblings. Your gaze landed on Riki as he leaned on the counter and waited for his bungeoppang in the microwave.

"I can come with you?" You said.

Both gazes were drawn to you. Riki looked at you, confused. "What will you do there?" He asked curiously. You shrugged and smiled a little. "We'll figure out when we get there."

He nodded a little and took his bungeoppang out of the microwave. He glanced at you. "Okay.."

Both of you looked at his sister. "Konon?" You asked. She sucked on her bottom lip and sighed. "Fine."

You laughed a little. "Great." You giggled. You didn't notice Riki watching you with a soft and curious smile. You glanced at him and smiled. "We have to leave soon, right?"

Riki nodded and his smile widened a little bit. "Yeah."

candy land; nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now