EPISODE 03: Someone's at the Door

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A/N: I'm posting every episode of this book, but do keep in mind none of it is finished. This episode included. It tapers off and I'm gonna be adding the notes to show where the episode was gonna go

So that will be what the other episodes will be too!

I'll talk to you guys later, when all of this stuff is published!

      The falling flurries of snow brought with it the end of the first week of December, where the group of three neighbors, Dashlie, Dick, and Don, sheltered inside the comfort of Dashlie's mother's house from the cold. Curled up on the couch, the sounds of mashing joysticks and buttons was heard from a furious Richard, whom Don glanced at amusingly.

      "You know you're supposed to just use motion controls? If you keep mashin' the ignition, you're not gonna get anywhere," Don pointed out calmly, which he was met with undignified rage from Richard:

    "I KNOW THAT!!"

    Dashlie cackled at him and only laughed harder when she passed Don and finished in first place. The elf rolled his eyes and followed in second. They both cheered Dick on as he profusely sweated in twelfth place. When time ran out, he jumped up and paced around the living room in a fury before slamming the door behind him as he entered the downstairs powder room, where he screamed. Dashlie was buckled over her legs, wheezing as her face turned a bright shade of red at losing so much oxygen from laughing at her friend's rage.

     Don's eyes widened as he heard footsteps descending down the stairs, revealing the concerned mother of Dashlie: the wrinkles in her face a bit deeper as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's screaming? Are you all okay?" she questioned, a sharp tone to her voice as she folded her knitted cardigan over herself.

     Dashlie coughed and cleared her throat, waving her hand. "No, it's just Dick," she said, an awkward smile plastered across her face. Ms. Miller hummed, refusing to smile back as she looked down and reached the bottom of the stairs. Richard threw open the bathroom door in a huff, shaking his head.

    "I'm fine!" he announced, and Ms. Miller turned to him.

    "Please don't scream like that ever again in my house, okay?" she asked, and Dick blinked, shrinking in on himself as his face turned a shade of pink in embarrassment and realization. He mumbled a short apology and took a seat in between Dashlie and Don again. Whether you'd want to believe it or not, this was not the first time Dashlie's mother had requested Dick to never scream again; time and time again, he broke this promise. The dance of scream or not to scream would never resolve, so all that remained was embarrassment and disappointment.

     "I'm going to go get pizza for you all, okay?" Ms. Miller continued, slipping on her shoes next to the door. "What do you want on it?"

     Dashlie thought for a moment, humming and tapping her chin. "All pineapple—" she started, but the moment the last word left her mouth, she was cut off.

     "NO!" Dick abruptly yelled, startling Don the most out of everyone who jumped. Richard cleared his throat and shook his head. "Cheese is fine."

      As Don's ears rang, Ms. Miller shrugged her shoulders and asked everyone if cheese would be good, to which she got the answer yes and was out the door the next second. Don climbed back onto the couch after having fallen off, making sure to take a seat a good distance away from Dick as Dashlie turned to the older male and asked, "What have you got against pineapple on pizza, man?"

     Richard groaned loudly, going on a tirade: "BECAUSE! Pizza and pineapple do not mix well — you got sweet and salty and it's just bleggggh. I wanna vomit thinking about it. Fruit just does not belong on pizza."

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