EPISODE 08: sevenfootframeratsalonghisback

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A/N: another section of notes that are incomplete!

I also didn't have a title for this episode so like ehhh


Pet Store Job (Don and Dick get a job at Dashlie's pet shop she works at. It accidentally gets burned down. A Dick and Dashlie episode. The gas station owner was a horned bullfrog
All the exotic mythical pets are listed at the notes at the top*
The two boys, adopted brothers known as Timothy (the half elf boy) and Tomathy (the tabaxi), are determined to get a Gerblin if it is the last thing they do

*For those curious, here are the pets
The pet shot not only has regular animals, but it also has mythical pets, such as:
- Phoenix frogs: squishy frogs with the tendency to start fires. Only for the less conductive customer
- Gerblins: little rodents that look like tiny, itty bitty cows. The pet store has strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla. The gerblins give off those scents
- Fancy moths: basically fluffy moths that are super friendly and can be kept as pets
- River weasels: basically a mashup of a weasel, otter, and a turtle
- Makoblins: ugly little bat-like creatures that stand upright and have the tendency to fly at whatever moves. Often poop a lot. People like them because they are exotic and will eat your trash no matter what
- Spice masoons: a hybrid of a bird and a mongoose. Tend to pounce on objects worn atop customers' heads, as they see it as a parasite, such as a leech, that needs to be vanquished at once

Think I might actually use this list for an original story I'm working on with a friend heheheh

Dashlie is talking with Dick and Don about why they are submitting resumes for work at the pet shop. Weren't they working at the gas station?

Dick got fired from the gas station for poor customer service and walking out when he wanted to. One time a Karen came in, bought a beer and slammed it on the counter and threw her money at him, so he returned the favor by taking the beer and throwing it onto the floor. That wasn't the only time though, there were many instances where he paid customers back with their actions. If a customer was nice, he'd treat them the same. If the customer was awful, the same. He walked out when the gas station owner saw his bi pin and said some derogatory words towards him, to which Dick slowly took the pin off, threw his uniform apron down, and walked slowly out of the gas station with his hands up and then didn't ever return

Don got fired from the gas station a little after Dick did. Don would get really hungry when working, and his boss wouldn't allow him to go out and get food (unlike Dick was able to) because he should've brought his own. Don would then steal snacks from the store when he forgot his lunch and munch on those. When the gas station owner caught him for the last time, he yelled at Don and grabbed his hand when he reached for a bag of chips. Don explained that he was just hungry and needed food to function, but his boss said that is his own fault for not bringing his own food, his boss isn't made of money.

Don then flew off the handle and snapped, yelling back at his boss and then pushing the aisle over, collapsing the rest of the aisles and luckily not hurting anyone, as no one was in the shop at that time. His boss yelled at him to get back and clean it up, but Don walked out without looking back. A week or so later the gas station owner was arrested for embezzlement

Dashlie is astonished by that and tells them she'll hand in their resumes to the manager when she can. Dick thanks her, surprised she's letting them do this after the incident a few months ago when the bird cage fell and they just ran. She just laughs and ominously says she doesn't forget before the tense silence afterwards is interrupted by Don's growling stomach.

Dick and Don head out to get lunch. Dick was able to pawn off some of the items they found in the basement a month ago, and so he gets Don two of his favorite sandwich. Don scarfs it down and Dick watches in amazement, and Don explains he hasn't exactly been eating as much as he would like the past few weeks because of the gas station job. They both agree that it was a mistake. Don hopes they get the job at the pet store, and Dick also agrees, mentioning how they could also mess with Dashlie. He begins to think out loud about all the things they could do to her, but he is interrupted as Don gets up to rush to the bathroom because he ate way too fast and needs to throw up

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