𝙘𝙝. 04

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"this is getting boring

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"this is getting boring."

the girl next to her looks at the little menace in shock.

"what? i can't say when playing is getting boring?"

"..no, i'm just hurt."

the two girls were playing the same tea party they had since two hours. and apparently the little one was getting tired of the same ol' dialoges.

y/n was thinking of what they could do instead, but due to past activities the man who takes care of eri has taken away almost all the rights what to do with eri.

for some reason, he's only like that to our dear y/n.

i wonder what she did..

"OH! i have an ideaaaa."

the little girl jumps up excitedly. her little face is grinning like crazy.

maybe her idea was a little crazy too..

"no, eri. we can't go jump off a building again.." y/n's sighs before continuing her sentence, "i don't want to clean the dorms for another month again."

y/n crosses her fingers in front of her to an 'x' sign.

"that's not what i wanted to do anyway! well, not right now..." the small child said while her face expressed of rethinking her decision.

she then shakes her head and going back to her sinister grin.

reaching out her hand she asks, "can i have your phone?"

y/n thinks for a second, raising one of her eyebrows a what-are-you-up-to-face is all written over her.

nevertheless, she slowly pulls out her phone from her pocket from her blue skirt. she still has her uniform on and didn't change.

snatching the phone as soons as it was in reach, eri types in her password.

how she knows it? it's very easy actually.

for eri since she knows almost everything about y/n, in her perspective at least.

moving on she goes on to the messenger and clicks on a certain chat.

she then holds the little microphone icon and starts talking, since she doesn't know how to write complete sentences yet.

"hello deku! it's me eri, y/n is in the bathroom right now changing into..uh i don't remember what she took. but anyway! can you come over, please? i dont know why, but y/n keeps on saying how she wants to see you and how you two didn't get to hang out much in school and how she just wants to look into your eyes again? i don't really know what's going on and she's confusing me. could you please help? it would make me happy too!! please join our tea party for me and mainly for y/n, pretty please?"

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