Movie Night

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Evan's POV

Every Friday, we would want this would happen. I grabbed my phone as it started buzzing and answered the phone "So, Masked Man what movie we're you thinking," I said into the phone.

"Funny, Mr. Fong. I have decided to watch the worst movie ever made." He paused for dramatic effect, "Sharknado."

"Are you fucking serious, Jon?" I asked laughing. I didn't understand how he did this. He could make me smile on one of the darkest days or making me extremely pissed off when someone threw a stupid insult at him. I remember when these guys were making fun of his Pikachu icon. In order to stop myself from cussing them out, Ihad to pull all of us out of group chat.

"Did you hang up on me. Again?" I hear Jonathan shout with a mixture of laughter.

"Huh? No, I spaced for a minute" I say turning on Netflix. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you were ready." I finally reach the stupid movie and he counted down from three. "Hit it!" He says as we both clicked 'Play'.

After about thirty minutes into the movie, I heard a soft sound, at first I couldn't tell if it was a small chuckle or a cry. After a few more seconds it started to get louder then it was clear that it was sobs. Not just anyone's sobs. Jonathan's.

"Jon, you are alright buddy?"

I heard him sniffle. "Yeah," he said shrugging it off as if I didn't hear him.

"Why were you crying?" I questioned boldly as Delirious fell silent. "I don't want to talk about it" I heard as he sighed heavily.

"Alright. Just know you can always talk to me" I reminded him before letting the other male to cope in peace. "Goodnight, Jonathan. See you soon, eh?" I tell him letting some of my Canadian out before hanging up and setting my phone on the table.

Why does he do this to me?

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