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You could feel the sun shining down onto your skin as you run into the sunlight. Birds chirping happily, flying across the meadow into the dense forest.

"Hold up Y/N!" Beidou said running towards you

"For god sake stop following me"

"I wasn't, Ningguang just invited the whole school to her place just to celebrate her birthday"

"Oh, you mean that rich senior? Yea I heard, tell me more about it in the group chat I'm in a rush right now." You said as you ran towards the building.

(Yk when Y/N said she was in rush, actually she just wants to get away from Beidou ykyk)

You decided to check out the new classrooms but then you noticed a huge crowd beside your classroom door. As a curious person you are, you decided to see what was going on.

Girls and boys started to scream "KAZUHA IS COMING THROUGH!!"

who the fuck is Kazuha

That's when you saw a white-haired boy with a few red strokes at the side of his hair, ruby-like eyes wandered around the hall.

he looks like he's around my age
( Everyone went crazy when they saw him but Kazuha was just like 🧍‍♂️)

oh he is attactive

You weren't interested in him since you don't even know his personality, It's just not right.

I shouldn't mess with him after all, he's popular and shit.

You shrugged it off and walked into your classroom without hesitation (I HAVE MEMORIES OF THIS ALBEDO FANFIC HELP)

You were quite surprised by the fact that the classroom was clean. You placed your bag on your chair then left since you still have an hour till the class starts. Then you decided the explore around the school a little while.

By the looks of it, the school was quite big compared to others. Dorm rooms, library, science labs..and so on.

It has been around 48 minutes since you started wandering around the school and admiring the scenery there. You walked back to your class.

Thanks for reading fallen leaf!!

( sorry my stories are kinda short lmao, ill try my best to publish as much as i can.I'm also busy with work sometimes so i won't be online for awhile )

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐟!!𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now