Xin (1)

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Xin: What’s your favorite thing about/trait of each member of your gang?

Xin: *Smacks hands together, rubs them* Aight, let's do this.

Xin: Fuka's super fun to hang around and do crime with. And despite acting like a moron, he's actually really clever, and I low-key envy that.

Xin: Lenka's our sassy bitch. Which is great, 'cause despite popular belief, I may not always have a great comeback right away, so having a backup is good.

Xin: Rinto's our keen eye. Half the time he's too depressed to move, so he's good at just looking around and noticing things and focusing on that. Gets us out of jams.

Xin: Nero...I wrote this down somewhere...oh, it's in my dia--OI GET THE CAMERA AWAY!! THIS IS PRIVATE!!

Xin: Anyways...Nero is insanely lucky. Don't believe me? Dude got chucked across an entire city by a giant squid and barely came out of it with a scratch. That is some freaky shit. But it works.

Xin: ...Aaaaaaaand I may be a little biased 'cause he's my best friend, BUT DON'T TELL HIM THAT--

Xin: Piko can drive the bike.

Xin: ...I'm kidding, that's not all! He's scary strong--like, he does not look it, but I've seen the kid kick multiple people's asses over that motorcycle. It is a VERY good thing he's on our side, lemme tell you.

Xin: V5 is a chaotic little bitch and I love her. Not as much as CV, but you get the idea--

Xin: But don't go telling these idiots I said anything nice about them--!!

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