Holo (3)

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Holo, when you accidentally kissed Rinto you repeatedly said “That’s not how that was supposed to happen”, so how how did you originally have it planned out?

Holo: That's...classified...it wasnt anything special, really...b-besides, it doesn't matter now, so--

Kafu: *Reading from a book labeled "Holo's Planning Journal" very nonchalantly* "The scene opens to the end of the 5th date. We're walking home. My hand is in his. It is exactly 9:08 p.m. We're almost back to the house. I tell him I had a great time at exactly 9:10 p.m. with a smile. Not too wide, but not too small. He smiles back and says he did too. At exactly 9:13 p.m. I steer the conversation and convince him to take a slightly longer way home that cuts through the park. I show off my fangs and my pepper spray to let him know he's safe. He agrees. We go to the park. At exactly 9:16 p.m. we reach the area with the fountain. I steer the conversation again via the use of the moonlit water and convince him to go to the lake at the back of the park. We get there at 9:22 p.m. we snuggle under the stars by the water until 9:24 when I casually bring up how he saved me from drowning at the Halloween Party. Then I drag it out into boldface declaration of my love. At exactly 9:26 I lean in and kiss him."

Kafu: And then there's a list of all the variables that could interfere and how he'll avoid them--

Holo: GIVE ME THAT--!! *Lunges at her*

Ruby: Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's my cue to call his therapist--

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