Holo (1)

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Why does Holo like Rinto so much?

Holo: Well...underneath all that hard sadness, he's a really sweet guy. And...well...I...feel like I can be myself around him. Like how I can be with Ruby and Kafu. Almost like he'd prefer it. I've always had to be someone else's idea of perfect...always having to change something about myself to fit what someone else wants...but it's almost like he wants the exact opposite. He just likes me, and that's a nice change of pace.

Holo: And I like that he always knows what he wants and doesn't take anybody's crap. Well, except maybe Lenka's, but she's his sister. And family is...uh...important. A healthy one, anyways. It's good to have someone you know will take good care of your pups!

Holo: ...He also smells really good, and he's cute--

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