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Ever since I can remember I was told I am a hunter. From when I was a child I started practicing to become the best hunter I could be. And now that I've grown up I am a hunter, that's what my parents were that's what I am. Yes, "were", they were killed by a pack of werewolves when I was young. I guess that was what gave me the drive to be successful in what I am doing, it wasn't just my birthright for me to be a hunter it was a way for me to get the revenge I was seeking.

It was another boring day. I wake up,feeling drained as always, drank coffee and headed to work. Leaving like a hundred messages unanswered. I never have the energy to answer them. I usually answer them after they get annoying, well when she gets annoying. My girlfriend, Harper she usually sends me like a thousand messages a day. I mean I am happy she cares about me but...Can she just understand that I sometimes.. Well most of the time don't have the energy to write back? Well, I guess I am the problem, as I have never opened up to anyone about my feelings, not even her. After not replying to any of her uncountable messages she did what she always does, she called me.

"Hey, babe are ya OK?" Harper asked

"Alive, why?"I answered quite bothered

"Why?Because you haven't replied to any of messages! I've been messaging you since last night.

"Oh.. Sorry I didn't see them, I am fine though, how are you?" I lied I had seen them and I wasn't fine.

"I am good, I just missed you,we haven't went out for like a week. What do you say about meeting up at my house after work?"

"I well.. I missed you too, ah.. Sure see ya there" As I said said this I felt something like a cold shiver, I knew this wasn't going to end well, I don't know why but after every contact I have with someone I just feel drained and empty, I know. There is probably something really wrong about me.

"Okay, see ya. I'll talk to ya later babe,because I just started work OK?

" OK, see ya, bye " As I hang up the phone I felt relaxed again. I really don't know why but social interactions make me feel nervous.

Here I was at work. It wasn't just a normal day at work though. It was the start of the month.Every 1st we get a new mission, well we each get a new supernatural we must hunt down. Of course we don't kill them all only the ones considered dangerous. I must admit it's not the most amazing job in the world but I won't stop until I get revenge. I need to find the wolves to killed my parents. And when I do I will end them.

I walked through the long hallway to my boss's office. He was the ones giving missions.

"Goodmorning Mr. Thornton" I said with a fake smile on my face, I never liked this man, I know this was our job,what we were born for but he was a little too cruel and to be honest I don't think he liked me either.

"Goodmorning Mr. Miller, this is your file for this month" he said giving a usual file with important information about my next mission"

"Thank you" , I said and walked towards my office"

I settled down and opened it, It was about a young woman named Nyx Villarreal, kind of a really common name for a werewolf as Nyx means night.
As I continued reading I noticed something was wrong with her case. As I noticed there wasn't really a particular reason she should be hunted. Yes, she killed someone when on her first transformation but that's what werewolves do. It is a part of being one , they always kill someone on their transformation, it's something they can't prevent from happening. She was also accused of killing three other more people but there was no evidence to prove that.
So why should I kill someone who was almost innocent? Besides she was a woman. If there is anything my parents told me before they passed is to respect women. "There is a reason why the queen is the strongest piece of the chess board" that's what my mother used to say. She was one of the best and famous hunters in the world and I am really proud to continue the legacy.
After reading the rest of the file I went back to Thornhill's office.

"Excuse me sir, but I don't think there is any reason why this month's mission must be accomplished" I said

"I thought you'd say this mr. Miller. But let me tell you I got a very important reason that it should be accomplished, a very important reason for you to be exact" he answered

"And what is that?" I said annoyed and bored. I hated him for being that cruel, that Nyx lady had done (almost) nothing to deserve death.

"I suggest you sit down before I tell you" he said pointing to the chair next to his office.

I did as he said, curious about what his stupid reason would be.

"Well?" I asked

"Well.. Mr. Miller I've done some research on this young lady's family and her parents, are the werewolves are the ones that causes the deaths of your parents. I know this sounds weird coming from my mouth, that I am trying to help you. But I am forever grateful to you Mr. Miller that you saved my wife from that monster"

As I said that I felt the fire inside me for revenge burning brighter than ever. Nothing could describe the pain I felt when I was left an orphan at the age of 10. I was just a child and they destroyed me. Now someone had to pay, so they could feel the same pain I felt. I am sorry Nyx Villarreal but you have to die.

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