Hate and dissapointment

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After a few minutes, she brought me the coffee, the exact same latte that I'd been ordering for the past couple of days. As much as I hated her, I must admit, she is quite skilled at making the perfect latte.

"There you go," she said with her little annoying smile.



"Let me guess, four dollars?"


"So I've come here so many times I just think it's weird that we haven't done the whole introducing ourselves to each other," I said awkwardly, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh well, I've been so busy lately that I didn't really have any time for small talk. Anyways, I am Nyx"

"I know I am Robert," I said while we did a handshake. I know Robert is a stupid name but that's the only one that came to my mind. I couldn't let her know my real name as if she knew who her parents killed it would be easy for her to figure out who I am.

And then it occurred to me, I so careless said "I know" like it's completely normal for me to know her name. Fortunately, I noticed the tag on her shirt that said her name.

"I mean..it is written  on your tag" I quickly explained

"Oh yeah, it does" she took a quick look at it "Its nice to meet you, Robert"

"It's a pleasure meeting you too Nyx"

"Now, please excuse me I have work to do," she said and left.

I was such a gentleman, wasn't I? Little did she know, that I am not Robert and I am not just a random guy, I am planning on tearing her apart.

After this encounter I had with her I spent a day with Harper, not that I wanted roo, lately I've been feeling drained and empty and my need to talk to anyone barely exists. I didn't want to hurt her feelings though, she missed me, and I understand that. I usually feel drained after socializing but she is more important than I am.

The next day I went back to this stupid coffee to finish what I started. I have been planning this for weeks. I would ask her out and when nobody is watching I will end her. I mean I've been really nice to her, why wouldn't she want to go out with me?

A few days later...

Today I woke up at the crack of dawn. Today I will do the first step of my plan, I would ask her out. What if she said no? Oh well, I have a plan B. It's not as effective but breaking into her house and killing her doesn't sound that pathetic right? Oh well, there might be witnesses but a few memory spells will do the trick. How will get access to such things? Well, we hunters don't work alone in this industry, we have witches working for us. The other witches call them "Abominations" as they work for people who kill their own kind. They get plaid quite well though.

I did the same thing I always did and when she brought me the late I asked her.

"Nyx may I ask you a question?"

"I guess," she said looking into my eyes. I hated when she did that.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

There was a long awkward silence after that.

"I mean as friends.."I explained while fidgeting with my watch.

"I don't know..." she said

"I am pretty busy lately"

"Oh, that's okay, maybe another time?"

"Sure, now excuse other customers re  waiting"

"Okay, have a good day"

"You too, Robert"


I left after paying trying to hide my irritation. This plan was going exactly as I expected until the moment that little annoying bitch turned me down.

Now I was in my shitty apartment, in shitty annoying shiny weather with my neighbors dancing to some silly romantic songs upstairs. And there was me trying to make up another plan to kill someone. I hate my apartment and my neighbors and Nyx and her pretty green eyes. Why do I even think they are pretty?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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