Coffee as bitter as my soul

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Ever since I can remember I was told I am an outsider, the odd person out. They were right, I really was strange, I still am. There was always something off about me, no one knew what it was until we all found out.
I became an orphan when I was five. I still don't know much, but my biological parents were accused of murdering two people, my mother run away but my father was sent to prison. I don't remember my mother at all; it feels like she was absent. I remember my father's face clearly though, I remember him smiling at me, that's all but something is better than nothing, right?

Lucky for me a year after that I was adopted by a wonderful couple, they really were lovely. It, unfortunately, didn't last long though, as the man who I called my dad lost his job, they both thought that I would Have a better future with someone who could satisfy a child's financial needs. Hell, they were wrong. A little while after at the age of ten, I was adopted by a middle-aged woman. At first, it wasn't that bad, I mean I had at least company there, Gloria, as the woman's name was, has adopted another girl before me whose name was Tinsley. I and she quickly became very close, she was my only family as that woman was cruel to both of us. We would do all the chores and had to do all of our homework, we didn't even have time to sleep sometimes. My life was very bad but at least I had Tins. Tragedy struck though on my fifteenth birthday.

As I mentioned before I wasn't really normal, but this day the truth came to the light. Of course, Gloria never effort in doing anything for us, not to mention celebrating our birthdays, but this year I and Tinsley begged her to invite a friend of ours. She said yes just so we wouldn't annoy her anymore. I and Tins were excited. When our friend came, she bought me a present
an actual present! No one has bought me one before. We and our friend had a wonderful time together, we were in the backyard when the full moon appeared in the sky. I'll never forget this moment, my whole body started shaking in pain, I was screaming and then it took over. It was my first transformation. Of course, just like every other person of my kind, I had to kill someone to complete my transformation. I don't remember how it happened, I wasn't in control of my actions. The next thing I knew, my friend Roslyn was dead, I killed her. My name is Nyx Villareal and to my great surprise, this was the day that I discovered that I am a creature of the night, a werewolf.

When I became normal again in the morning, Gloria called me a monster and threw me out of the house, Tins didn't wanna leave me alone so she came along, something both me and my adoptive mother disagreed on, as I didn't want Tinsley to have the same fate as me and from Gloria's point of you she wanted to protect her from that monster me.

There I was, in the middle of the road, homeless a day after my fifteenth birthday. At least I had Tinsley.
I  remained homeless for a couple of years until I found a job at a coffee shop, of course, I still didn't have enough money to finish school but again, it was better than nothing. Now I had a roof over my head and food and Tinsley. Talking about Tinsley, it turned out I wasn't the only monster around. Tinsley found she is a witch, a really powerful which as she js a member of the oldest cover of witches there is the Elders. Unlike me, she was delighted with the fact that she is supernatural. I mean I can't blame her she is immensely powerful, her power can help others and her and her daily life. On the other hand, there is me with a power I cannot control that is useless. I mean I do have super strength, hearing and I can run quite fast but I am nothing compared to her.

Ten rough years have passed from when I and Tinsley were left homeless on the street. We both, fortunately, managed to make a living, I still work at that coffee shop, but I am not just an employee anymore, I am the manager of this place, I honestly can't believe I have gone this far. She works in a bakery. All in all, we do what we all did, try to fit in.

It was a sunny but rather cold day, the smell of the coffee I was making was uplifting my soul, I loved starting my mornings this way. As the manager I to be there very early, the first thing I always did was make the first cup of coffee, my cup of coffee. Seeing the sun shining while I started my day always made it better. Usually, no customer was there so early, I usually was alone and I liked that. Suddenly I heard the distinctive sound that the small bell in the door makes. I didn't think much of it at first, I knew that any minute my co-worker Alex would show up. I walked out of the staff room and went to say good morning to Alex, as I always said a good day isn't good if or doesn't start with an everyday conversation with him.

"Good morning A-" I just froze, standing here looking straight into his eyes. I felt so awkward at this moment. It wasn't Alex, it was a guy that has been coming here for the last few days, I don't know much about him but we have been chatting lately.

"Hello," I said after some time that felt like forever.

"Hi," he said, still holding the eye contact.

"The usual latte?"


"Coming right up"

He did nothing but nodded his head.
That guy is a little weird, to be honest, he comes here every day, orders the same coffee, and stares at me, it kinda creeps me out. I try not to label people though, I know how bad it feels to be labeled. I must admit all the time we have talked he seemed to be a nice guy.

I made him the same coffee that I've been making him for the last four days, a latte with almond milk and no sugar. Like what kind of person wants to torture themselves by drinking non-sweeted coffee ?I just hope he is not the "I drink my coffee as bitter as my soul" kind of guy.

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