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"Hey stop right there!" An enforcer shouted to a small blue-haired girl who was trying to swipe an apple. "Run!" Vi shouted to her sister who quickly shoved the apple into their bag full of snacks and trinkets. The two sisters took off running as a couple of enforcers started to chase them through the streets. As they started running through an alley, Vi pulled down a wide wooden plank behind them that got stuck in the narrow walls to block off the enforcers who were tailing them. After a few minutes pass they ended up running into a dead end. "Where'd they go?!" The voice of one of the enforcers could be heard nearby. "Damn!" Vi cursed as she looked at the tall wall in front of them. 

"What do we do?!" Powder says worriedly. "We're gonna have to climb it. I'll go first, toss me the bag and I'll pull you up." Vi says before she started climbing the wall. When she got up to the top she held out her hand for the bag full of stuff they got off of the street. Powder tosses the bag up to her sister which she caught and dropped it on the other side of the wall. "Good job Pow, now give me your hand," Vi says leaning down, holding her hand out for her little sister. As the younger girl tried jumping and jumping she couldn't reach her sister's hand. "I can't reach!" Powder says as she gets on her tippy toes. 

"Come on Pow, you can do it!" Vi encouraged. "They're this way!" A voice shouted. The pink-haired girl looked up and saw an enforcer running in their direction. "Hurry up! Grab my hand!" She rushed trying to extend her arm down a little. "I'm trying!" Powder struggles as they got closer. Without thinking, Vi jumped down the wall and lifts her sister on her shoulders. "Climb! Quick!" She says holding Powder up. 

When Powder got to the other side, Vi jumps and grabs the wall. But before she could climb to the other side, an Enforcer grabs her leg and tries to pull her down. "I got her!" The Enforcer shouts pulling on Vi's leg. "Vi?!" Powder's voice could be heard over the wall. "Don't worry about me! Run!" Vi shouted back trying to her foot free. "I'm not leaving you!" She protested. "I'll be right behind you! If we get separated go hide somewhere safe. I will find you! Now go!" The pink-haired girl demanded. After she said that Powder took off running. 

As Vi kept trying to pull herself up the wall the Enforcer pulled even more on her leg. "Let go of me, asshole!" She grunted trying to kick the guy off. "You aren't going anywhere." He says with an evil smirk as a couple more enforcers came around the corner holding weapons. "I said let go!" Vi shouted before managing to kick him square in the nose which made him let her go. "Ach! You little shit! Get that kid!" The Enforcer shouts clutching his nose as Vi climbed to the other side of the wall. She started running through the streets of Piltover pushing past anybody and everybody in her way. Suddenly, Vi collided with a person causing both of them to fall to the ground. 

"Dammit! Why don't you w-" Vi cuts herself off when she saw the person she bumped into. It was a girl who looked like she was around her age. The girl had long dark blue hair and a pair of ocean blue eyes. "Oh dear, are you alright?" The girl asks worriedly as she saw how rough Vi looked. "Uh, um, I.." Vi stammered, staring at the girl in front of her being completely in awe of how pretty the girl is. "Do you have a name?" The girl asks again moving closer to Vi who was still frozen. Vi was about to answer until she remembered that she was supposed to be running. 

"I gotta gay! Go- go! I mean go!" She stumbled before getting up and running off, mentally face palming herself in the process. All of a sudden she felt someone grab her arm and throw her to the ground. She looks up and saw the Enforcer from earlier with a giant bruise on his nose. "Oh fuck me," Vi muttered. "You can't get away now street rat. Only a matter of a time until we find the other one."  He smirked while taking out a pair of handcuffs. Before he could cuff her, someone grabs his wrist. "Thank you, kind sir, I'm so glad you found her!" The girl from earlier intervened getting in the middle of Vi and the Enforcer, taking his arm off of the pink-haired girl. 

"I've been looking all over for you! Don't you ever give me a scare like that ever again!" The girl reprimands looking at Vi. "What are you-" Vi gets cut off by the girl. "Just play along." The girl whispered. She started walking away wrapping her arm around Vi's but only to be stopped by the Enforcer. "You know this street rat Ms.Kiramman?" He asked looking at Vi with a disgusted look as she gave him the evil eye. "Unfortunately I do, this is my distant cousin...Matilda

"I hope she didn't cause you any inconvenience, Mr.Laurence." The girl says sorrowly. "That little freak broke my nose!" He shouts angrily, gesturing to his nose which holds a resemblance to a tomato. "I can fully break it if you want me to asshole!" Vi spat back. The girl pulls Vi behind her. "I am dreadful sorry Mr.Laurence. Please pay her no mind. Cousin Matilda's a little cuckoo in the head. Without her medication, she tends to get violent, as you can see. We were actually on our way to go pick up her prescription. I assure you that I won't let her out of my sight. Come along now Cousin Matilda, let's go pick up your medication so we can get you home. You have a good rest of your day sir." The girl says before guiding Vi away from the Enforcer. When they were far enough the girl let's go of Vi's arm. 

"Are you alright?" She asks putting her hand on the slightly taller girl's shoulder. "You didn't have to do that, I could've taken care of myself," Vi responds. "Oh is that so? You think that you could've gotten yourself off scot-free after going 'Pow!' to an Enforcers nose?" The girl asks with a raised eyebrow as she crossed her arms. 

"Look I didn't go 'pow', I just- OH! Shit! Powder!" Vi says as realization struck her." Who's Powder?"  The other girl questions, but Vi couldn't hear her since she had already started running. "Hey, wait up!" The blue-haired girl yells while attempting to catch up to the other girl. It doesn't take her long to realize she won't be able to catch up.

"Jeez, she's quite fast," The other girl thought to herself.

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