School Fight

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While the two boys were talking about an assignment from Heimerdinger's class, Caitlyn was poking around her food with her fork while thinking of a certain girl. "Hey Cait, are you alright? You've been staring at your food and smiling like an idiot for the past 10 minutes" Jayce laughed. "Yes, I'd say I'm quite well. Appreciate the concern, Jayce." She answers. Vi and her gang of friends walk into the cafeteria which didn't go unnoticed by Caitlyn. She and Vi ended up locking eyes then she sent a small wave at Vi with a smile on her face. Vi waved back and Mylo whispered something into Vi's ear which made her punch him in the arm. "Stop staring, it's rude," Qiyana comments sitting next to the blue-haired girl. 

Caitlyn jumped a bit. "How on earth did you get over here so fast?!" She questions. "I've been sitting here for a while..." Qiyana responds. "Maybe if you learned not to stare at others, you'd recognize your surroundings." She says taking one of her fries. "I wasn't staring at anyone" Caitlyn denies. "Sure you weren't. Anyways, how are you and Vi getting along? Hopefully well." Qiyana asks. "We've been getting along pretty well, I'm really starting to like her" She smiles thinking about the time she spent with Vi. "Starting to like her, huh?" The girl teases with a grin. "Not like that!" Caitlyn responds, a little too loud. "Hey, could you please say that a little louder Cait because I don't think the whole cafeteria lost their hearing yet!" Qiyana exclaims. "I only like Vi as a friend, nothing more, nothing less" She explains. "For sure." Qiyana sarcastically responds. "Anyways, enough of that, I'm bored, and we both have nothing to do for another half an hour."

"What do you suggest we do?" Caitlyn asks. "I would've suggested something if I had an idea, but I don't, so I'll leave it up to you." While they tried to brainstorm what to do, the rest of Vi's friends were at their table teasing Vi about what happened yesterday. "Come on there's no way that you don't like her after your little slip-up yesterday," Senna says before taking a bite of her sandwich. "How many times do I have to say this, I don't like her not in that way! Even if I did it'll never work out, she's topsider and I'm Zauntie. It's like oil and water, not meant to be." Vi says poking around her food. "She doesn't care about that Vi and you know it. Quit being in denial and say 'I think Caitlyn is very beautiful and hot and I really wanna take her out'" Mylo says which got a glare from Vi. "Don't push it" she replies. 

"What did you say about my girl, twerp?" The voice of Viego was heard. "Not you again," Vi mutters under her breath. "Who is that?" Kayn questions. "Some dude obsessed with Caitlyn, he keeps asking her out even though she's rejected him so many times," Mylo whispered to him. "Oh god not him," Senna says being way too familiar with Viego. "She's not your girl and leave my brother alone," Vi says getting up. "Who said I was talking to you, Zauntie trash," He says which alerted the others at the table. 

"Who are you calling trash?" Kayn asks standing up too. "You must got the wrong table pretty boy," Senna says standing next to Kayn. "Oh I'm so scared, you undercity scum don't scare me," Viego says sarcastically. Caitlyn looks over, noticing Viego near Vi and her friends."Oh no," She groaned.  Qiyana gets up, rushing over to her friends. "What's going on over here?"

 "Oh nothing Princess, I'm just letting this rag-tag group of Zauntie trash know their place," Viego says with a slight laugh. "Who are you calling trash?!" Mylo says getting angry. "Hey watch it, these people you call Zauntie trash are my friends," Qiyana says getting a little angry. "I don't care who they are, they don't get to talk about my girl that way," Viego shouted. "She's not your girl and nothing bad was even said about her so calm the hell down!" Vi says. "He said he wanted to take out MY girl," Viego says emphasizing my. "Plus I wasn't talking about me I was talking about Vi- whoops" Mylo blurts out which made Vi pinch the bridge of her nose.

"So now two people wanna take my girl?!" The enraged boy asks. "Really Mylo?!" Vi whisper-shouted to her brother. "Sorry, sorry." The boy quickly says back. Viego takes a step closer, that is until Caitlyn taps him on the shoulder. Viego looked at her and smiled. "I see you finally changed your mind babe," He says putting his arm around Caitlyn. "No, I've come to tell you to leave these people alone. You've caused quite a scene, and I'd say it's time you leave." She wasn't wrong, almost everybody was looking at what was watching what was going on. 

"Quit being a stubborn bitc-" He got cut off by getting clocked in the face by Vi. "You better watch your damn mouth!" She spat at him. "Oh, you are so dead!" Viego shouted before a fight broke out between the two. Caitlyn runs to find a teacher, Mylo right behind her. "What's wrong?" A teacher questions as she notices the students running towards her. "There's a fight going on in the cafeteria!" Caitlyn exclaims. The teacher ran to the cafeteria where the fight was still going on.

 "Both of you, back away from each other right now!" The teacher exclaims. Vi and Viego ignore her,  continuing to fight.  "Vi kick his ass!" Qiyana shouted. Vi goes to punch Viego again but he grabbed her fist and his eyes started to glow. "What the hell.." She breathed out. "Violet and Viego, break it up right now!" The teacher shouts. Viego's eyes started to glow more and he held his hand out and black mist started to come out of Vi's chest which causes her to cry out in pain. 

"What's he doing?!" Caitlyn asks worriedly. Senna's eyes widen as she realized what he was doing. "We have to stop him, he's about to kill her!" She slams into the boy, causing him to let out a groan. "What the hell?!" He ended up letting go of Vi and she collapsed to the floor. "You are coming with me," The teacher says dragging Viego out of the cafeteria. "I didn't even do anything!" He retorts as he tries to get loose. 

"And she was there too!" He adds, referring to Vi. "Tell that to the principal." The teacher says. Vi was still on the ground struggling to move, going in and out of consciousness. "Vi, are you alright?" Caitlyn asked concerned. She could barely keep her eyes open. Caitlyn kneeled next to her and held Vi's head up. "Say something..please.." She says worriedly. 

Vi ended up going unconscious in Caitlyn's arms. "Can someone help me take her to the infirmary?" She asks. "I'll help." Mylo volunteers as he tries pulling his sister up. Caitlyn helps pull Vi up and the two head to the infirmary. "You can go back to the others, I'll stay here and watch her," Caitlyn offered. Mylo heads back to the cafeteria, Caitlyn now watching over Vi. "You two must be very close, you were both here not too long ago." The nurse comments.

 "It's complicated.." Caitlyn says disappointed as she looked at Vi. The nurse doesn't appear to be paying much attention, instead working on finding her equipment. "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry Vi. Please be okay.." Caitlyn says quietly putting her hand over Vi's. Not too much time passes before Vi wakes up. Noticing she's awake, Caitlyn rushes over from the chair and approaches Vi. "You're awake!" She says happily. Vi clutches her head. 

"What happened?" She asks. " did sort of got into a bit of an altercation with Viego.." Caitlyn answers hesitantly. "Did I win?" Vi asks cockily. "Senna slammed into him since he was a few steps away from killing you using dark magic so I'm assuming no" Caitlyn laughed slightly. "Well, then next time we fight, I'll win," Vi responds determinedly. "There won't be a next time, Vi. I understand your frustration, but you can't keep getting into fights. I don't mean to tell you what to do, it's just, what if something terrible happens to you?" Caitlyn voices her concerns. "Look, I don't care what happens to me. That asshole doesn't get to talk to you like that" Vi responds. 

"He almost killed you! I know we haven't known each other for that long but I've started to care about you..a lot" Caitlyn looked down. "But if you do get hurt, how would your family feel? Especially Powder, that would hurt her. You're her big sister, she looks up to you, Vi." She crossed her arms. "Then she would know that I did the right thing. I don't regret doing what I did Cupcake" Vi says not looking at Caitlyn. "You didn't have to punch him!" She exclaims. "He shouldn't have been an asshole and called you a bitch!" Caitlyn sighed. "What he says to me is none of your concern, it's my problem to deal with." Vi looked at her. "Just because you've been dealing with it doesn't mean you should. Hopefully, that douchebag got the message." Vi says crossing her arms. 

Caitlyn just sighs. "There's no way of getting through to you is there?" She asks. "Nope," Vi says with a smile. Caitlyn hugged Vi gently. "You really scared me.." she says a little above a whisper. "Good thing I'm awake now. I'm sorry for scaring you." Vi hugged back. "Just try not to do anything else stupid," Caitlyn says with her head on Vi's shoulder. "You know I can't promise that," Vi says jokingly. 

"Vi, I'm serious.... please," Caitlyn says looking into Vi's eyes. When they made eye contact Vi felt a warm feeling form in her stomach. "How about I try my best?" Vi says back, "I don't wanna promise you I'll do something and not do it." The blue-haired girl giggled. "Fair enough " Caitlyn smiled before putting her hand over Vi's

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