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"Hey guys." Viktor greets as he spots Caitlyn and Jayce. "How do you think you did on the test, Jayce?" He questions. "Uhh, alright. I'm not too sure to be honest. Some questions felt too easy." Caitlyn giggled a bit. "Are you sure that you were taking the test and not staring off into space while thinking about the Princess?" She asked which made Jayce go red in the face. "I was not!" His friend let out a chuckle."Mhm, sure you weren't," Viktor replies. "Anyways, enough of that. How are your classes, Caitlyn?" 

"They're going great actually, I met someone new a couple of days ago...I think we might be becoming friends. She has a little sister who wants to meet you" Caitlyn answered thinking about Vi and her little sister. "Is that so? Sounds delightful, I'll try clearing up my schedule." She smiled thinking about how happy Powder would be when she meets Viktor. "She'll be over the moon to hear that," Caitlyn says. "So who is this friend you speak of?" Jayce asks. "Well, I wouldn't say we're friends, friends, but her name's Vi. She's the girl with pink hair who was talking with Qiyana earlier this morning."

"Are you talking about the same girl who comes to school with bruises on her face? You better be careful around her Cait." Jayce says. "I am careful around her. What, do you think she'd attack me or something?" She says looking at him questionably. " can tell she's from the undercity, they can be pretty violent," Jayce says which got a scowl from Viktor. "I'm from the undercity," He says greatly taking offense to what his friend just said. "My point st-" before he can finish, Caitlyn slaps his arm. "Watch it, Jayce." Caitlyn would defend Vi and say that she's not a violent person but thinking about what Qiyana told her, she would be lying. "All I'm saying is that she could be violent, maybe even towards you. Just watch yourself, alright?" She looks at him with scrunched eyebrows. 

"I appreciate your concern but I can worry about myself," Caitlyn says before getting up and grabbing her stuff. "Look, Cait, I didn't mean to be offensive-" Caitlyn sighs and nods, "I understand that Jayce, but just because someone's from the Under-city, it doesn't define who they are. It's something us Topsiders have been doing for far too long, judging others based on their status." Caitlyn walked away and went to find Vi and the others. While she was looking for them, a tall figure stopped in front of her. She looked up and saw the person she hated the most, Viego. "Hey hot stuff," He says with his infamous creepy smile. "What do you want this time?" She sighed not wanting to be bothered with him. 

 "What else? I want to take you out on a date." He says not letting her walk away from him. "No matter how many times you ask, my answer will not change, no." Walking by, Mylo notices Caitlyn, "Hey, Caitlyn!" He says with a grin. "Are you dating him or something?" Viego questions angrily. This gives Caitlyn a chance to push Viego away. "N- Yes! Yes he is and he makes me feel on top of the world." Caitlyn lied putting her arm around Mylo. 

"What are you-" Mylo gets cut off. "Trust me and play along." She whispers. Viego got angry and grabbed Mylo by his shirt and lifts him up since he was way bigger than him. "You stole my girl?!" He shouts angrily. "Your what now?" Vi goes up to Viego, shoving the boy which causes Mylo to fall. "Watch who you put your hands on, jackass." Caitlyn helped Mylo up. "Who are you supposed to be runt?" Viego asks irritatedly. 

"I'm gonna be your worst nightmare if I ever see you touch him again," Vi says angrily. "Vi, just let it go, he's not worth it" Caitlyn pleaded. "He put his hands on my brother, he's not getting away with that!" Vi exclaimed looking at Caitlyn. "Then tell your brother to keep his slimy fingers off of my girl." Viego spat. "For the last time, I'm not your girl! I'm not some object for someone to claim as their own!" Caitlyn responded. "Calm down, I didn't mean it that ." Viego says back, "Since when are you two even d-" Vi starts before Caitlyn gives her a glare. 

Viego lets out a creepy laugh. "You enjoy the rest of your day. I'll be back soon, sweetness." He says before walking away from the three. "Asshole.." Mylo muttered. "What's with that guy?" Vi asks as she pulls a snack out of her backpack. "Nobody of any importance," Caitlyn responds annoyed by what just happened. "Is he like your ex or something?" Mylo asks. "Oh god no," She says in disgust. 

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