The Plan

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Vi was waiting in the front of the school for everyone, she couldn't stop thinking about what Qiyana told her. Caitlyn fucking Kiramman actually likes her. The councilor's daughter likes a street rat from the undercity. "What if Qiyana was messing with me?" Vi thinks to herself. "She couldn't be that cruel, could she? No, of course, she wouldn't joke around about something like that." She argues to herself. "Or maybe she is..what would Caitlyn even see in me? I have nothing to offer her, hell I can barely even offer anything for myself that's not off the street. Even if Qiyana is telling the truth..the only reason she likes me is because she feels sorry for me." The last thought made Vi smack herself in the head. "No, you idiot! She isn't like that...I hope she isn't like that" Deciding to worry about all of that later, Vi sat on the steps. 

"Hey, Vi." Mylo greets as he high-fives his sister. "Hey, My." She says as he sits next to her. "You okay?" He asks his sister. "Actually... I have no idea what I am anymore" She sighed. The two sit in silence for a few seconds before Mylo speaks up, "What is it you aren't so sure about? Is this about Caitlyn?"Vi quickly covers his mouth. "Keep your voice down! They could be here any minute!" She says in a hushed tone. 

"But to answer your question..yes," She added on with a sigh. "To avoid any eavesdropping, how about we talk about this when we get home? For now, let it leave your mind. Relax." Mylo suggests. "We can't talk about it at home since she's going with us there too. But fine I'll try not to think about it." Vi crossed her arms. "This plan better work," Mylo thinks. "How about we talk about it after she leaves?" Mylo asks. "Maybe," Vi responds. Caitlyn walks down the stairs, waving when she sees Vi and Mylo. 

"Hello!" She greets. "Sup Cait," Mylo responded as Vi was too deep into her thoughts to even be paying attention. He nudged his sister a bit which made her jump a bit. "Oh uh..hey Cupcake" Vi greeted. "This is Viktor, Viktor these are my friends I've been telling you about, Vi and her brother Mylo," Caitlyn says introducing them to each other. "It's nice to meet you," Viktor says as he shakes both their hands. 

"Caitlyn's told me quite a lot about your younger sister." He added. "Yeah, she actually can't wait to meet you," Vi says. "Well, we don't want to leave our precious little sister waiting now do we? But where the hell is Q-" Mylo got cut off by Qiyana approaching the group. "Hey losers, the queen has finally arrived." She says. "I didn't know you were coming as well," Caitlyn says. "I always come with these two, better than my stuck-up ass family" She shrugged. "Where the hell were you?" Mylo whispered to her. 

"Getting the stuff for the plan now shut up and let's go" Qiyana whispered back. Everyone follows after Vi, all but Mylo and Qiyana excited for different reasons. "Could I get a piggyback ride?" Mylo groans halfway there, "My feet hurt." Vi rolls her eyes and starts walking faster. "The day you stop asking this is the day I'll be at peace." The pink-haired girl responds in annoyance. Qiyana gives a small laugh while Caitlyn and Viktor discuss the homework they received. She looked over at Vi and noticed how distant she was being from everyone. 

She jogged up a bit to catch up with her. "Hey V, you okay?" Qiyana asks putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Just peachy," Vi responds shoving her hands in her pockets. Qiyana took a glance at Caitlyn and then back at Vi. "It's all gonna be okay, trust me on this," She says with a reassuring smile. "Trust you on what exactly? You aren't gonna do any like, surprises, are you? You know I don't like them all that much." Qiyana gave Vi a wide nervous smile. "Psh me? Surprise you? Of course not! I could never!" Vi stops walking for a second and stares at Qiyana, "I'd sure hope you wouldn't." 

She puts her hands behind her back. "So hear me out...hypothetically if I try to surprise you what would be the consequence?" She asks. "I guess that depends on exactly what the surprise is, but please don't. I'm serious. And by the tone of your voice and questions you're asking, I'm not too confident I can trust you not to surprise me." Vi says. "Of course, you can trust me I'm your best friend!" She smiles. "Yeah I'm too sure about best Q" Vi responds. "Ouch," Not too long later they arrived at the last drop. Vander is the first to greet everyone, a smile on his face. 

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