One Eyed Ghoul..?

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• Eunmi •

My body felt heavy, and for sure it was aching. All I can remember was looking that she devil in the eyes and then darkness coated me. I felt as if I was deep under water but I was able to breathe. I had to wake up, unless I was already dead. Is this the afterlife..? Is Mei here with me? I had to know, but in order to know I must open my eyes to see. 'Come on Eunmi.. open your eyes!' I thought. My eye lids were heavy but little by little I began to force them open. The dim light slightly blinded me and I felt as if I were on a bed. How..? Where am I even? I blinked a few times and forced myself up despite the pain I felt. "Where..?" I mumbled but my voice was so gargled, as if I hadn't used my voice in a while. I cleared my throat best I could until "Here, drink up. You must be thirsty.." an old man's voice said beside me. I look to the side to see an old man there with a glass of water in his hand. I hesitantly take it and nearly chugged it all in one swig before finally stopping and setting it down.

"Thank offense, but who are you? And where the heck am I?" I asked. "You're in a safe place.. my name is Yoshimura Quzin, and two of our own had saved you just in time.." he said with a gentle tone. Saved me? My eyes snapped wide open as I tried to look frantically for Mei. "Where's Mei?! Is she okay?" I began before he held his hand up in a pause motion. "Your friend is currently in the hospital, but is recovering little by little by what intel I've received. She's alive" he said with a smile. I felt a giant weight off my shoulders hearing those words.

"I'm so glad.. I don't know what I would have done.." I sighed as tears began to build up in my eyes. "But why am I here? I was tossed like a rag doll and I expected to die facing.. that thing" I muttered. "Well.. I have some questions for you actually.." he began. I looked up as he stood up. "How long.. has your friend known you were a ghoul?" He asked. 'Me..? A ghoul..? Is he on something..?' I thought. "As far as I remember.. I'm human" I stated. "Well.. one of our own had witnessed you fending off this Binge Eater.. protecting your friend" he began. "Wait a minute.. I actually fought her? I'm a ghoul..? Wait.. I'm so.. confused" I mumbled. "You don't recall anything?" He asked. "Well no.. I just remember blacking out and.. a pressure on my shoulders. My right eye felt weird but that's all" I said placing my hand over my right eye, remembering the feeling. "Interesting.. it seems you haven't even been aware.. and on top of that you're a half blooded ghoul" he said. "How..? I'm able to enjoy food, anything that a human being can consume" I said. "Natural born ghouls are able to enjoy human food without any consequences.. and they are rare.." he said. 'Did my mom know about this..? What about my dad?.. is one of them a ghoul? Have they both been lying to me?' I thought to myself.

"My parents..never even seemed like they were hiding something..So how could they hide such a thing from me?" I asked with a slight tremble. "I do not know everything.. but maybe they wanted you to have a normal life? Away from the ghoul activities.. away from the cruel mess of this world" he said. I couldn't help but think. Are my parents even my parents? Is one of them a ghoul? How am I supposed to process this? "But.. I.." I choked out. "I don't know what any of this means.. I was just lucky.." I added. "You do have potential.. a lot of it. And you managed to protect your friend.. we can help you through this change. But first, only if you wish to" Yoshimura spoke as he began preparing a cup of coffee.

I however, began to wonder about a few things. "Sir.. are you a ghoul..?" I asked. "I am.. but I have no desire to hurt humans.. and neither do I want the sins of my past to consume me" he said as he poured the water in this little funnel filled with coffee. He didn't seem like a ghoul. He seemed like a humble old man who has settled down and has had many experiences in his life. "But why would you help me out?.. I'm half. Aren't I just an outcast both as a human and ghoul..?" I asked gripping the glass in my hand. "Not at all.. besides.. you are young and lost.. and have good intentions.. if you had malicious intent.. why you wouldn't be here by now" he added as he poured coffee into two cups. It smelled wonderful. "Aren't I too young for coffee?" I asked. "Perhaps, but it's one thing all ghouls can enjoy" he said with a smile. I gave a simple hum as he brings the tray over to the coffee table as I turn myself over to have my legs hang from the edge of the bed. "Yoshimura.." I spoke out, receiving a small hum. "My name is Tohsaka Eunmi.. and I would appreciate your help in navigating through this.. new reality" I mumble. "Eunmi.. We will be more than happy to help you.." he said with a soft tone.

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