Haru's Gesture

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• No One •

The young trio, Ren, Ayato and Eunmi have been finally relieved of their punishments and were having the first few days of freedom. Which also meant that Ayato felt more free and comfortable to be able to wait for Ren and Eunmi at the school gates to pick them up and walk back to Anteiku or even somewhere else, that of which Ayato is currently doing. He had been waiting as the bell ring for everyone to exit class and go home. However this didn't come without side effects. He'd be questioned by security or teachers but he's easily wave them off with excuse or reasoning.

He also gained the attention of some of the female crowds. He was quite popular with his looks but looked intimidating. Ayato barely noticed any of it however, as he didn't care for any of the students. Ayato leaned against the gates fence before he heard footsteps approach him and stop right in front of him. He looked up to see two, three girls standing there, seemingly shy but somehow felt confident enough to stand in front of him. He was confused but he knew he couldn't do too much to cause a scene. "Hey there.. what's your name?" The brunette spoke. Ayato merely scoffed at her as he looked around to see Eunmi and Ren anywhere to save him from this scene. "You have a piercing too huh? Must be a total delinquent.. how cool!!" The blonde spoke. "Can you just leave me the hell alone? I'm waiting on someone.." he said with a bit of a scowl. But hearing the sound of his voice caused more intrigue. He rolled his eyes at their attempts and felt deeply uncomfortable. "What school did you come from?" The pink haired girl asked. "None of your business.." he replied. Ren and Eunmi were however walking together to the gates, exchanging small talk and notes about the subject of the previous class.

Ren looked over as he smelt a familiar scent and saw Ayato at the gates, surrounded by the three girls. Ren couldn't help but snicker at his situation before he nudged at Eunmi to look. She hummed in response and looked at the direction he looked at before seeing the scene. Her heart and stomach sort of sunk if that's the feeling she described it as. Clearly, her classmates did find him interesting, and attractive. Eunmi swallowed her saliva built up and she pulled a fake laugh, even when she did feel a bit.. what was the word? Dare she say jealous?

"Why don't we ditch him? Clearly he's enjoying himself" Eunmi said giving a slight nudge to Ren. "Just might.. but if we leave him he will be pissy with us.." he said with a sigh. Eunmi slightly nodded in agreement as she gripped her binder close to her chest. Each step closer to the gate, the stronger her scent was. Ayato looked over and ignored the girls to see Eunmi and Ren stop just outside the gate and talking, not even looking his direction. Eunmi didn't dare to look over at their direction, she kept her eyes toward Ren as she began to think of an excuse to leave immediately. "I need to make a small detour.. you guys go on ahead without me.." Eunmi said with a small bow. "What? But you were up for it three classes ago..and you're making a small delay to cheesecake??" Ren questioned causing Eunmi to look away, her ears burning bright red. "I can have patience for cheesecake! Now I gotta go!" She said before she started speed walking. Her heart pounded against her rib cage incredibly fast. Ren was confused but looked over to Ayato who barely noticed Eunmi speed walking. Ayato finally had enough and pushed passed the girls and made his way towards Eunmi. "Eunmi!" He called out but she disappeared into the crowd. "Eunmi..?" He questioned before stopping to Ren. "What's her deal?" He asked. "Dunno.. something came up I guess.. maybe she's stre-" Ren stopped himself before he analyzed the situation. Something clicked and instantly he looked over to the three girls who seemed disappointed, and looked at Eunmi's direction. "Oh.." he mumbled.

"Oh what?" Ayato questioned. "Ya know, for a guy who Eunmi praises has the brains for honors class, you sure are fucking slow" Ren said before he walked in Eunmi's direction leaving Ayato dumbfounded and a bit peeved. "You can't say crap like that and leave!" He retorted as he followed to be right beside Ren. "Yeah I can.. anyway what did those girls want?" Ren asked. "They were asking too many questions.. so irritating.." Ayato responded. "I figured.. I used to have to run away from them but I got so annoyed I set my foot down.. they stopped right away" Ren said nonchalantly.

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