Chapter 1: Remembrance

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People always ask me what I'd do if I were transported to another world...A younger version of myself would have said "trained, gotten stronger, defeated the villain and had hordes of women lusting after me". Of course, this was the mind of a foolish, lustful teenager wishing to escape from responsibility. As I got older, I saw the harsh reality of life unfolding before my very eyes. A pandemic struck and my country, which I believed to be the greatest, showed its dark side when a monster cheated his way into power and plunged the country and most of the world into disarray. The worst part, people chose to be willfully ignorant of the issues he caused and is still causing. People started to quit when this person demanded them to get vaccination shots or be fired. The thing is these vaccinations had no effect in halting or slowing the spread of this virus. Fortunately, despite all of this, shortly after my twenty-third birthday, I was able to earn my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. Suddenly, despite millions of positions opening for work in the field I desired to be in, I could not get any of them. I had to settle for a security position at a local hospital. At least it was at night where my irregular sleep schedule could be exploited.

Now I won't go into too much detail, but do you all know about the Backrooms? Yeah, that place where you can accidentally fall into if you're unlucky enough. Well, while I do tend to have a lot of good luck, there are times where it is offset by a massive hit of bad luck. But looking back at it, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, a way to escape my predicament...No, it wasn't, it was a curse, a curse that would soon remove me from not just my home but my very dimension and destroy any hope of returning to my family. My mother, my father, sister, brother, all of them and more, gone. I'll never see them again...I-I'm getting off topic.

Anyways, I fell into the Backrooms while I was on one of my shifts, I can still remember the first time I smelled the scent of that disgusting moist carpet and heard the annoying buzzing of those fluorescent yellow lights. I was at first confused, then I started to panic as I realized where I was. I thought to myself that those stories were made up. Some of them were certainly, but to think that this place was real. I started shedding tears of fear, but quickly wiped them off and tried to calm myself down. It wasn't until thirty minutes later that I was calm enough to try and formulate a plan. I read that it was possible to phase back into reality by no clipping through the very first wall behind or around you. I tried that to no success, they were all solid. So, I began walking, and two days later, that leads us to where I am now.

"I can't even remember how long I've been walking for", I say to myself.

"But look on the bright side, at least you have me", says my logical self.

"That is not good, I need other human interaction, not me just talking to myself", I say.

"Look dude, I get it, you're not in a good position, and you may have gone a bit mental from being couped up in this place for...I don't know, but the point is, you need someone to vent to about your frustration and since no one else is here, how about – OH Shit! Quiet! Do you hear that?" I suddenly stop talking to myself and hear a faint rumbling in the distance.

My initial reaction to the foreign sound was one of welcome as there was finally something different. I wanted to head toward the noise after what seemed like days of walking in this endless maze alone, but my body froze and began backing away slowly. It was like all my natural animal instincts were telling me "RUN!" I couldn't understand why, until something came around a corner a good distance away. It looked dead at me, and tears and snot began running down my face as the inhuman monster looked, as if trying to identify what I was. I knew where this was heading to, and I quickly turned around and made a mad dash for it before the creature could began running after me.

I don't think I've ever ran as fast as I am right now, my adrenaline remained at its maximum as I could hear the muffled footsteps of the monster gaining ground on me. I dash through room and room, cutting corner after corner, trying to shake it off my tail. I can't, it sounds so close, too close, my breathing is so heavy, but I can't stop, if I stop, I die. After minutes of maintaining an agonizing sprint, I reach a dead end.

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