Chapter 3: Ethos

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I have spent five long years here in Gensokyo. Every day, I trained in magic and did my best to train my body as well. Unfortunately, I have plateaued, I've become a jack of all trades. I've gotten proficient in various forms of magic, and I am physically fit. That isn't good enough though. It's gotten to the point I need to receive training from other sources. Perhaps Reimu? No, she would be too busy or just say no. I can't remember anyone else other than Keine and Akyuu. Well, that's not true, I did meet Keine's friend, she makes some amazing chicken and I constantly go to her shop. I have also gotten acquainted with Akyuu and Kosuzu as well, frequenting both Akyuu's mansion and the library. After a while of training, my danger level went up from D to C, meaning I can handle most of the lower leveled youkai alone. But if I ran into any of the named ones, I'd be fucked. Just goes to show how overpowered Reimu and the rest of the cast is. She has an S danger level and that's not even the highest level. Apparently, there is an S+ level and the legendary EX level, reserved for people like Yukari. Holy shit! I have also experimented quite a bit with both magic and science, trying many things with them, like combining both aspects and two different spells. Some were successful, like utilizing water magic with my scientific knowledge of how lightning is formed to have lightning magic. Others caused me to be injured severely. As for characters however, that is the extent of the characters from Touhou that I have met. I haven't met Reimu or Marisa, as both of them are acquainted with Yukari and I don't need that kind of attention. Many of the people in the village were offput by my lack of using honorifics for people, but after I explained that I was from America, they understood as they had Gappy Sues that were British or American before. I did my best to treat everyone in the village with respect and eventually, despite my lack of honorifics, I was accepted as one of them. I even met some Gappy Sues myself. Very rarely would I come across one who didn't think they were hot shit, just because they came here with some overpowered ability that allowed them to fight on par with the main Touhou Cast, well as well as Reimu and Marisa anyways. I tried to point them in a direction that would lead them to survival, but Kosuzu was right, every one of them I met ended up dead or "missing" because they bit off more than they could chew. At first, I tried to remember their names to preserve some measure of their existence, but I eventually just started giving them numbers, that way I didn't develop any emotional attachment to them. Is it wrong to be okay with the deaths of innocent humans, even if they are young and foolish? I don't know...What I do know is that I need to get stronger, I just don't know how.

"Wait", I say to myself.

"Isn't there that Scarlet Mist Incident that is so popular", my logical self said.

"Yeah, why hasn't it happened yet?"

"I'm not sure, you need to prepare now."


So, I began trying to piece together the threats that I could potentially face. Slowly the names started coming back along with what they could do. Patchouli, Sakuya, Remilia, Flandre, and that one martial arts gatekeeper, what was her name?

"Or you could just ignore it and leave it to Reimu and Marisa."

"And miss the opportunity to further my magical proficiency. No. Patchouli is one of, if not the greatest magic users in Gensokyo. She's the only one who can help me master these forms of magic as well as learn new spells."

"Alright, just don't get us killed."

I began to use what I knew of the events there to try and formulate a strategy for survival and still achieve my goal. I know that I need to enter the library while also avoiding the residents of the mansion. Sakuya will have her hands full with either Reimu or Marisa, of course the gatekeeper will be taken out as well. Remilia will also be distracted, allowing fairly easy access. That leaves Patchouli and Flandre. I can't allow myself to be found by Flandre, if that happens, I could very easily die. But she has the mind of a child, despite being a vampire. So, I could play a non-harmful game with her if I encounter her while also looking for the library. The main goal is keeping her entertained so that she doesn't feel bored and just decide to kill me. Unfortunately, as she has a childish mind, any sort of planning would be pointless, as children often change their minds at a whim. Next is Patchouli, she is very unlikely to kill a non-combatant, but I can't be too sure. She could easily kill me should she feel like it. I need to be careful with my words and what I say. Ultimately, it'll come down to me trying to convince her to teach me. I'll prostrate myself, get on my knees, bow my head, everything. There is also a time limit, as Reimu and Marisa aren't going to just keep on distracting them forever. I need to get in as quickly as possible and convince Patchouli to take me under her tutelage before the fighting ceases. If that doesn't happen, then I could end up having to encounter ZA WARUDO! I mean Sakuya or Remilia with no safety net. If that happens, I can only plead for my life and ask to leave peacefully. I should prepare forms of distraction in the event I will need them.

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