Chapter 2: Genesis

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"Shit...that was too close."

After narrowly avoiding Rumia and her attempts to put me on the menu, I carefully navigated my way to the Human Village while also trying to avoid any youkai, specifically Rumia and Yukari. Fortunately, I didn't encounter Rumia again on my way to the village. However, the walk lasted until nightfall.

"She must have got bored and left", I said to myself.

"Probably, good thing too because she was going to murder your ass", my logical self said.

I approached the gate and saw two guards posted there.

"Halt! Who are you", yelled one of the guards.

"Hold up, I'm human, I've been trying to get here", I pleaded.

"Oh, I see, what are you doing outside the village at night?"

"I don't know where I am, I just showed up here recently without any warning."

"Ah, so you're an Outsider then. Well, come on in, just don't be going around causing trouble you hear."

"Got it."

"You should also get your shoulder checked out. That looks painful."

"Thanks for your concern."

So, I managed to avoid literally all the other youkai in this place and make it to the village. Guess my good luck started coming back. I wandered around the village, seeing all the late open restaurants and a thought occurred to me which led to a problem.

"I have no money, fuck..."

Alright, I'm in a fictional world with no money, no contacts, and no way home and I ain't talking about the movie. Additionally, I now have part of my shoulder missing and I'm bleeding quite a bit. Now I know there is this half youkai, half human woman that can potentially take me in. The only problem is, I forgot who she is and what she looks like, only that she has silver hair.

"Damn...I'm starving."

I start walking and swaying slowly through the streets looking for her. After an hour, I couldn't continue and fell into an alleyway.

"Guess this'll have to least...until...morning..."

I passed out in the alleyway. Now you would expect me to magically wake up in a bed like I was in some fanfic or isekai. But no, this is reality and realistically, no one here knows who the hell I am. So, I woke up the next morning in the alleyway, still hungry as hell, in pain, bleeding, and now stiff as hell too.

"I feel like a damn zombie. Heh, maybe that can be my secret technique or some shit, coming back after getting my ass beat and just whooping whoever whooped my ass", I say to myself.

"Not really as secret technique, more like a second wind or something", my logical self says.

"Whatever, hopefully we'll have some luck finding this woman today."

I get up and try, keyword try, to get up to start searching, but then I remember my little trip through the backrooms and forest, I haven't eaten or drank in days. I then felt like going back to sleep but I knew I needed to get up, so I willed myself onto my feet against my body's decision and walked out of the alley. My sudden decision quickly caught up to me and I crouched down.


"Hey mister, are you ok?" I looked up to see a little girl asking about my safety.

"I...I'm so hungry, thirsty..."

"Hold on mister, I'll go get Keine-Sensei." The little girl runs off as I slump against a wall and breath heavily. My eyes grow heavy as I find it hard to focus. I then look to my right and see a small figure and a taller figure running towards me. Before I rest my eyes again, I see the taller figure's hair and it looks silver in color.

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