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schlatt grunted, standing at the pin machine as he tried to remember the lock for it. it wasnt the same as before. but why?? he tried re-entering the code, resulting in another failure. " damn it!! " he yelled out in fury.

" hey, schlatt. it's your last try. " ted warned him, pointing to the screen which stated he had only one more guess. he thought hard. what was important to him. or maybe, to someone. that's when it hit him.


the screen let him choose how much money he wanted withdrawing.

the two shared excited yet confused laughter, ted watching him as he took the money out of the atm. " so, uh, what was it?? "

" hah, it was my sons birthday!! his mother cares more about the damn thing than me!! " he yelled out, shutting up ted as he walked down the road with the money he had withdrawed.


schlatt laughed, watching as he watched his chosen horse cross the finish line. his day had just been luck after luck when it came to his sons birth date, but he didn't mind. ted was a bit spooked, but nothing bad.

he went to the money collecter area, clasping his hands with glee as his hands grabbed ahold of the money. he then pulled 100 out of his hands, giving to to the lady at the front of the desk.

" go buy yourself a few coffees with this shit!! "

he then followed ted back outside, waiting for a cab to pick him up. but that's when he heard the voices..

" hey schlatt, hey ted!! long time no talk!! " called a familiar voice. schlatts body was hit with fear, seeing a man walk over to them. he then uncontrollably started to run away, followed by three other guys who seemed to want him.

" holy shit, holy fucking shit-! " he bumped into someone unexpectedly, scanning the person quickly. a man who seemed to be in his early 20s wearing a blue beanie and having a deep scar on one of his eyes. he smiled in a panicked way. " im sorry, dude. " he mumbled, stumbling back up and helping the other before fleeing once more.

he then got pushed into a restroom, wincing as his head hit the back of the stone wall.

" where's my damn money, schlatt?! " a man bellowed above him, looking as furious as ever. schlatt grinned. " i have it, i have it right here-! " he said, feeling through his pockets, yet realising that nothing was in them. i mean, nothing except the gigantic hole.

what could have caused this?? nobody had gotten close to him that day!! nobody except..

the beanie dude!!

he panicked. " look, i had the money, i swear!! please, just wait a little long— OW, FUCK!! "

he felt his nose get punched with much force, feeling the blood trickle down it as he stumbled back in fear. " look, i'll get your money- please!! 2 months is all i need, less maybe?! " he was practically begging on his knees at this point. the man sighed, grabbing a clipboard and a pen and giving them to him.

" 2 months!! if you don't pay after that, ehhh, we're gonna either take one of your kidneys.. or a lung. "

schlatt gulped, nodding as he understood the threat.


wilbur smiled, watching fundy eat his chicken he had recently ordered him as he clutched the present behind his back. " how are you liking it, fundy?? " he asked, a cat-like slime crawling up his face from one side to the other. after swallowing, fundy looked at his father. " it's yummy. mom doesn't let me have this — she thinks it's just junk food. "

he laughs, scruffing the boys hair and putting the present in his lap. " eat it all up while you can then. hey, can we get some more chicken?? " he asked from the counter, grinning as he slid the present to fundy.

" all yours. "

he gasped, grabbing the black box and carefully untying the golden ribbon. inside was a fox plushie ; fundy's favourite animal. he squealed in excitement, hugging his father out in joy. " thank you, papa!! " he yelled.

after eating more chicken, fundy seemed to get more anxious, like he wanted to tell his father something. after wilbur took some notice, he sighed, grabbing ahold of his hand and smiling at him.

" everything okay?? " he asked. the fox opened his mouth. no words didn't seem to want to actually come out of his mouth at the moment. fundy sighed, smiling as he shook his head. " no, pa. "


wilbur sighed, walking towards the apartment block that fundy lived in. the apartment sally used to share with him just before he got kicked out. he saw his wife exiting the building, groaning as he walked towards them.

" wilbur, you asshole!! i told you not to bring him out so late!! " she yelled, trying to grab fundy from wilbur. wilbur whined. " at least let me bring him up to the flat this time!! "

" fundy- fundy wake up darling. yes you're home. " sally mumbled, picking the fox up and walking back to the flat.

at least fundy had the fox plush still.


[ wilbur : font ]
[ schlatt : font ]

both man sat in two different places in two different railway stations, waiting for their trains to arrive. but.. who was the business woman?

this woman in particular had her hair wrapped in a ponytail, sharp teeth and and suitcase. and a nice suit. she sat down, looking at the other and deciding to perk up a conversation.

" excuse me, are you wilbur/schlatt? "

" excuse me?? who the fuck are you?? "
" huh?? who are you-?? "

" i'm sorry, sir. my name is coach. miss roach coach. or miss coach. "
" weird fuckin name.. "

" you are in debt, correct?? "
" how did you-?! "
" i- god, is it that obvious. "

" no worries!! i was just wondering if you would like to play a game with me?? "
" look, kid. i don't have time for this shit. "
" kiddo, i really need to catch this train, is it long?? "

" not at all!! just a simple little card game.. "

" wanna play?? "

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