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[ wilbur ; font ]
[ schlatt ; font ]


wilbur and schlatt looked at their cards and thought — is this what they were really doing for money now?? competing in children's games to earn some cash. they sighed, putting in the correct numbers and waiting for an answer.

buzz buzz..
buzz bu—

" hello? "
" hey. there's some games, right?? wanted to join em.. "
" oh, hello. i'm calling to join the games. "

the man stayed silent for a few seconds before answering back.

" names?? "
" uhm.. schlatt. jonathan schlatt.. "
" eh.. wilbur soot, sir. "

" a van will be sent around to your location in a few moments. please wait outside, sir. no luggage is needed. "

the number hung up, leaving the two confused and slightly worried. who was that man? how did he know their location?? more importantly..

why didn't they have to bring any luggage???


schlatt had been waiting on the curb of the road for ten minutes now, trying to spot a van which was apparently bound to show up. he looked to his right, seeing a white van drive up to him and stop.

" oh. about time.. " he mumbled, climbing in the van which had.. sleeping people in it?? guess they weren't used to staying up past their bedtime. he snickered, sitting next to a curly haired brunette wearing a yellow sweater. he felt his cheeks heat up, feeling the mans head hit his shoulder.

" so uh, where we going, huh?? " he asked, sighing as the man didn't give a reply. he then spotted that the man had a gas mask on, along with another mask underneath. he furrowed his eyes in confusion. " hey, dude. you don't need those anymore — it's not world war 2. "

a strange mist filled the car. schlatt gasped. " what the fuck?! " schlatt yelled, watching as it seeped into his body. he felt himself become drowsy, his hands shaking slightly as he took one last look at the man.

" Y-YOU FUCker!! i-i'm gonna.. fucking.. kill you.. " he breathed, passing out in the car. the man waited for the gas to clear out before taking one of the masks off, keeping the one that covered up his identity. he wore one that had a white circle on it, the rest of it being black. he grunted, closing the door and driving along the roads path.

this was going to take longer than intended.


wilbur woke up, rubbing his eyes as he looked at his surroundings. where the hell was he?? he could only remember a masked guy in a van.. that's probably what brought him here. there seemed to be tons of beds though. and i mean tons. all duvets were blue and the pillows white.

speaking of blue and white, his uniform was the same colour scheme. his uniform had a number on the jacket he was wearing ; 456. he wondered if it was a random number or to keep count of everyone who was there, considering the mass amount of beds.

it seemed like other people had been waking up too, some yelling, some confused. he sighed, getting up from his bed and walking around. the room was large. it could probably fit many people in. he saw a man with wings that belonged to an elytrian, quickly walking over to them and smiling.

" 51.. 52.. " he muttered, scanning his eyes around the room. he then looked at wilbur and smiled. " hello there. "

wilbur smiled back. " hello sir. my names wilbur. " he greeted, sitting on the floor next to him. " what's yours?? " he asked. " phil. " he said, looking down and trying to concentrate on something.

" oh. you're the first player. " wilbur noted, looking up at a screen that had recently turned on. 456 players, huh?? " and i'm the last. that's funny. " he said, laughing. phil looked back at him. " did you know what number i was on?? " he asked. " uhh.. 52, phil. " he replied, smiling as he let the elytrain do his thing.


he looked over to where a big group of people were standing. they seemed to be watching a fight. maybe he should go see as well.


schlatt shoved his way through the crowd, trying to see what was happening at the moment. his face fell, seeing a man with blonde hair pulling on a familiar faces hair.

the beanie guy.

schlatt ran into the middle, pushing the man off the black haired person and gritting his teeth. " uhm, thank you sIR—?! "

schlatt grabbed ahold of his jacket, his face turning red with anger. " WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY, YOU FUCKING ROBBER?! I GOT THAT MONEY FAIR AND SQUARE, I NEED THAT BACK—!! " the blondie pushed him off the man once more, furrowing his eyebrows.

" oh, you think you're so big now, huh?? what's your name?? " he asked. schlatt gulped, smiling nervously. " it's schlatt. uh, what's yours?? "

the man let go of schlatt, leaving him to fall to the floor. " dream. " he muttered under his breath, making a large percentage of people not hear it.


a few of the lights switched off, leaving the room half lit. everyone mumbled in confusion as a few guards came out of the doors.

" hello everybody. welcome to the squid games. " a guard with a triangle masked announced, looking towards the people who had decided to venture closer. some of the guards were holding guns. it was strange. it was probably used if someone did something really bad though, right??

" you are probably wondering why you came here. well, you all share the same problem. "

the screen showed a woman playing a card game game and being hit in the face. many people gasped, knowing that it had also happened to them too. the screen continued to bring up more and more people playing this game until it was hard to try and watch one of them.

the woman who had been playing the game walked up to the stage, waving at everyone and grinning.

" but, " he began. " you are all here to win a big sum of money. that pig above you will hold 100,000 dollars worth of money each time someone is eliminated. " the room was filled with murmurs and excited chatter.

" when you are eliminated, you will not be able to join back into the game. and if a greater amount of people wish to stop the games, you can do so after the first game. that being said.. "

" let the games commence. "


many people were having their pictures taken for recording their tags and to know when they have been eliminated. wilbur and schlatt were next in their queue. they both walked up to the machine and smiled softly before walking out and looking at each other.

wilbur didn't seem to know of him, but schlatt knew what happened in the van. he laughed nervously, waving to the brit as he did the same.

the people were soon led outside to a fake field and told to stand in front of the red line. " creepy doll. " one guy pointed out, looking at a robot that seemed to look like a 10-year-old game.

" welcome to the first game, red light, green light. " a female voice spoke.

" in this game, you will have to try and get to the other side without being eliminated. when the doll says red light, you stop and try not to make any sudden moves. when the doll says green light, you are safe to move. you have 8 minutes to get to the other side."

" the game will commence in 3.. "
" 2.. "
" 1.. "
" go. "


thank you for all your support on chapter one. hope you enjoy the future events!!
words : 1240 [ not including these ones ]

SQUID GAME | SCHLATTBURWhere stories live. Discover now