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" i bet i can beat your butt at this!! " someone whispered to their friend, the other grinning and replying with a friendly : " try it, douchebag!! "

when the start of the games had been officially announced, they waited.

" green light!! "

they both ran at full speed towards the robot, laughing until the robot had said red light. one stayed still, whilst the other panicked and started to wobble. he laughed. " what a loser. "

" player 324 has been eliminated. "

everyone in the room flinched when a gun sound was heard, the mans friend collapsing to the floor.

" green light!! "

everyone ventured forward slowly, presuming that it was a joke. the man shuffled forward to his friend, pushing him slightly. " enough with the gag, dude. its not funny—.. ? "

the other had a bullet pierced through his skull, blood leaking out as he spent his remaining seconds alive spasming on the ground. the man gasped, stepping backwards slightly.

" red light!! "

he looked up at the robot, tripping over his foot and immediately being shot.

" player 250 has been eliminated. "

a woman behind him touched her face, feeling the mans blood on her.

and screamed.

it had caused a chain reaction. once one moved, someone else did, and soon enough, a large portion of players had started to move. gunshots could be heard firing from the turrets above, making most people frightened and run to the doors, begging the guards to open them. but they didn't, they watched. watched as countless people's blood stained the walls.

schlatt yelled, feeling himself get pushed over by the recently shot players. he froze. he decided it would be best to stay still. for now.

the gunshots stopped. had people known not to move anymore?? that was a relief. schlatt looked around, wincing at the awful stench of blood and his fear mixing together.

he watched in confusion as the elytrian took small steps, a concentrated look on his face. he didn't seem to notice that he could possibly die at any moment.

schlatt didn't know whether to move or not, or if he should. his thoughts got interrupted by someone.

" sir. "

he looked up, a pink effect appearing on his face — it was the brit. he raised an eyebrow. " what? " he pierced his lips together.

" those people are going to kill you if you stay still. i suggest you get behind someone — they won't track your movements. " he noted, following the man in front of him once green light was announced again.

schlatt thought. was that actually true?? he got up, freezing as red light was called. he wanted to get out as soon as possible. no more pain, no more torture.

" green light!! "

he ran after the guy, ducking behind someone so that he could be next to him. to his left, the brunette smiled at him quite panickedly, whilst, unfortunately, the beanie guy had been to his right. this time he had been clutching someone's hand. someone who looked peaceful.

he grimaced, continuing to walk until red light was called once more. schlatt flinched, feeling beanie guys friend touching his shoulder carefully. he turned his head slowly.

" hi. " the man said, smiling at him. schlatt smiled back. " hey there. "

the man looked off to the distance slightly. " i know my boyfriend might've robbed you n' shit, but can you not?? it's kinda uhh,, annoying me?? hah, i don't know. " he mumbled. " i won't hurt you. i just don't want you to hurt him. he's special. " he whispered, his voice becoming a little croaky. schlatt sighed. he knew the guy feared him dying at the given moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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