Chapter 6

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[TW: Arguing, cursing,]

~~A month later~~

  There was no sign of Shigaraki. It was like he disappeared but not really, because every corner I turned it was always him around. In one way or another, he was there not physically but mentally. Every time you were at either job it was like he was watching me. It was creepy the feeling of being watched was disturbing.

"Y/n?.. Y/N?" Nova spoke shaking you harshly back and forth.

"God! What?" I yelled standing up, making eye contact with Nova. Quickly regret being rude and groaning. Sighing sitting back down in a little pout. "I'm just tired." I spoke fake yawning to sell the act "I have a lot on my mind." I whispered.

"I know, I do too" he sighed slouching back on my couch. "This couch is ass by the way." He said switching accounts on Netflix.

"Wait today's Fryday!" I yelled standing up jumping up in down in my pajamas.

"Uh, ok? And-" he questioned before wicking getting cut off by a happy Y/n.

"I get the tv! Remember, you told me every Monday, Wednesday, Friday!" I yelled snatching the remote from his hands. Changing back to my account.

"Ugh, fine but only because I love you" Nova spoke sarcastically, dragging his body off of the couch. "But I get to pick snacks!" He yelled running to his car keys

"Wha- no, no, no, no." I whined standing up "but I want Swedish fish-"

"Fine I will get them, but you have to pick out a movie!" He yelled slamming the front door,

"Easy" I sighed flopping on the couch picking (my favorite movie) grabbing my favorite blanket and wrapping it around me.

~30 mins later~

"I hope Nova is ok." I thought standing up and looking outside at the pouring rain outside of my apartment.

My gaze stopped. I blinked multiple times to make sure trying to process what I was seeing was there. The rain droplets on my window made everything a little hard to see and foggy.

Is that a person sitting out in the rain? I thought to myself. Most people would turn and ignore it but this guy was on my apartment balcony,
a figure was slumped over against the medal.  Me being on the third floor, It would be hard to climb up here, I couldn't tell they were moving. I bit my lip, trying to know what to think during the situation, "Are they hurt? Did they maybe fall from the fourth floor!?" I mumbled to myself leaning closer towards the window.
"Only one way to find out." I sighed opening the window.
You backed up cautiously but still looked at him, brushing the now wet hair out of my face. Shit.

Carefully walking to him you poked his side with your finger. "Unconscious," You thought crouching down to his level.
"I can't just leave him here," You thought checking his pulse, "I mean I could-" you thought debating your opinions "No that's not right, he could die." You thought reaching toward him.
"Ugh." I sighed lifting his arm over my shoulder. Carefully dragging him inside, shutting the window sitting him down on the floor observing him. "He's bleeding." You thought in nurse mode.
"Two areas, one in his shoulder and the other on his face." You thought, dragging his body by your bed. "What am I going to do-"
you mumbled but quickly got interrupted by the sudden noise and vibration. You looked away from the boy to pull out ur phone.


9:35 pm
Hey, the storm is bad and The road to your apartment is closed.

9:35 pm
Are you ok? Do you have a way here?

No. They want me to head back :(

9:37 pm
Aw ok. Drive home save, please.

9:37 pm
Will do;) next time y/n.

9:37 pm
Yeah, next time


You sighed and if right on cue Shigaraki woke up looking around in obvious pain.
"Hey." You said kneeling to his level "what happened?" You asked sitting next to him, both of you still soaking wet.

"It doesn't madder." He mumbled, "can you fix it or not?" He continued leaning back.

"Yeah just give me a sec." You explained getting up "can you stand?" You asked patiently waiting for the villain to stand.
"Ok good, take your shirt off." You said walking to the kitchen.

"Bossy" Shigaraki groaned, Mumbling curse words he reluctantly took his shirt off. Along with you quickly walking back into the room with a first aid kit.

Shigarakis's hand went up to his cheek and he touched the blood as if he didn't realize it before. "Will this scar?" He asked looking into your eyes like it was the first-ever actual question he had asked you.

"No," I said plainly, reaching for all the equipment I needed.

I noticed he had scarring on the rest of his body too. His face, his hands his arms.  I wondered if it had to do with his quirk or if something happened. But it was none of my business. I was just his tool.

After 2 long hours of disinfecting, and wrapping bandages and 1 handy dandy band-aide, he was in ok shape.

"Just sleep here," I spoke gathering the tools and throwing them out in nearby trash. The couch is very nice I spoke standing up.

"No." He duly responded. "I want the bed." He stated, already rolling up in the sheets.

"Unless your sleeping with me I don't think so." I laughed poking the villain s body

"I'm your boss." He spoke, "I'm sleeping here with you." He argued tiredly.

A light form of blush spread across your cheeks as you rolled in bed with a half-naked guy you had only met three times.

"O-ok. Goodnight" you studded turning off the lamp. Hearing a hum of the boy in agreement.

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