Chapter 2

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It's our last period, Science. Mrs. Montuya grouped us for a report about radio waves.

"For group four, let's have Rhein, Phil, Lizzy, Meghan, and Jake." The teacher said. R-Rhein?!

"Hold up! Why should I be grouped with these losers?! Move me to another group." Lizzy Heather, the queen of bullies.

"Lizzy, you're in group four and that's final. Deal with it."

"I hate dealing with it." She replied to her with gritted teeth and a glare.

"Who are you calling losers? Mirror your self from a sword first. Plus if you hate it, your group mates hate it more, dealing with a trash like you. And you don't have the rights to glare at a teacher if you're the one at fault." Rhein said to Lizzy. Everyone fell to silence.

"So I guess we have to deal with this b*tch." Phil whispered to me. Everyone in school despise her, at the same time fear her excluding Rhein— the one who everyone really feared. Lizzy can do anything. What she wants, what she gets... By any means.

After class, we stayed in the library. By the means of "we", it's me and Phil. We agreed to do the research and let the girls report in front tomorrow. Meaning, MC left and so as Lizzy. Rhein? Too scared to ask for her help. Haha.

"Excluding me from the group work?"


"Shut up. You're in the library."


"Excuse you Ms. Librarian, how dare you too. Don't scold us for not following the rules when you can't neither. Fix yourself first old lady before you get angry to others who only made a single mistake."

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU— Oh. R-Rhein. F-Forgive me."

"I'll give you a taste of beating next time this happen again."

"I-I won't." The grumpy librarian really looks terrified as she leave us alone.

"You two, take this." She hand us piles of papers. "Summarize it and let someone write it in the manila paper."

"O-Okay." Phil stuttered. Then she left as we started doing what we were told.

"I guess we found all the necessary informations we need." I told Phil.

"I hope so. So who will send these notes to MC? She's a secretary after all. Me or you?" He replied.

"I'll do it. Her house is in the opposite direction of your house." I offered.

"So are yours." He opposed.


"Whatever, let's settle this once and for all."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Me and Phil face one another and prepare our hands. "Together. Bato, bato, pik!" His hand signed scissors as mine was rock. So we settled this decision through Rock, Paper, Scissors Game. Lame, I know.

"I won and we better go now. You know how Mom gets annoyed easily." I told him.


We left the school and part ways. Usually, we go home together since we go to the same way but I need to deliver these notes to MC.

After minutes of walking, I arrived to a medium-sized house. I ring the doorbell.


"Who is it?" MC answer the door.

"It's me, Jake."

"Who is it, Meg?" We heard a voice coming from inside.

"My classmate Mom."

"Let him in."

"Oh no. I love to but I really just came here to hand these notes to MC for our report. Plus my Mom will scold me if I don't get home soon."

"Oh that's a pity." MC's mother near us. "Where do you live, boy?"

"Not that far."

"Stop lying, Jake. I know you live at the opposite way of our house. It's a bit far. You should've just send it to me virtually." MC said with crossed arms.

"Phil and I didn't think about that. At least this way I'm sure you received it."


"Yeah. I better get going. Thanks for the generosity. Bye MC, Mrs. Carillo."

"See you at school, Jake."

I started walking away. Not far from MC's house, a tree along the way caught my interest. I near it and I found a... Is it a notebook? More like a diary. I know it's not mine but I mustered an urge to take it with me.

"Mom! I'm home!... Mom?" Where is she? The living room is so dark. Maybe she went out.

Suddenly, the lights went on and I saw Mom standing near the switch glaring at me. "JACKSON DIAZ! WHERE DID YOU GO?! IT'S FREAKING LATE AND YOUR CLASS ENDED TWO HOURS AGO!"

"Mom, we have a group report in Science. Me and Phil spent our hours in the library, researching. Then I just went to my classmate's house to bring the notes. What's wrong with that?"

"Good to know. I thought you're following your father's stepping stone."

"But you know, it's way easier if you just have let me stay in the school dorm. The library is walking distance and I don't have to go to the opposite direction after bringing the notes to MC."

"Jake, you know we're short in money. We can't afford it. Your tuition alone is way difficult to pay. But I'll find a way."

"Mom, stop lying. I'm not dumb not to know the truth. We have all the money we need. You just don't want to let me go."

"Alright." She sit in the couch. "It's true. We can afford paying your dorm but I'll miss you. I want to take care of you."

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Of course you are! You're still freaking 16 years old." Then Mom hug me.

"I know but I want to be like other students. Living in the dorm but can visit their family. Like Phil. Or MC. Or any of my classmates."

"If that's what you want... But give me time. I'll let you go after a week."

"Promise?" I extended my pinky.

"Promise." She linked her pinky to mine. "Go to your room and change. I'll call you when dinner's ready."

"Thanks Mom."

I went upstairs and change to a shirt, jogging pants, and slippers. I suddenly remember the diary and take it out from my bag. I opened it and shocked to read whom this diary belongs to.

Personal Property of Meghan Carillo

It's MC's!


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