Chapter 6

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I'm in the classroom, cleaning. I'm one of the on duty but the only one doing his duty. My other classmates escaped and I'm the only brave one who stayed with the class officers. Unluckily, none of them are on duty today. But I'm not on my own.

Phil and MC? The latter is having a meeting with her co-officers while the former is helping me cleaning. He said that it'll be easier if he help me. I really love this guy.

"Carillo, I suppose you wrote down the list of all the idiots that are supposed to be on duty today?" We're eavesdropping secretly.

"Y-Yes President." See? Everyone stutter when it comes to Rhein.

"Good. Delos Reyes, how is the Math tutoring?"

"I-It's good." He is Liam Delos Reyes, our auditor.

"Really? 1+1?"

"Uhm 2."

"Good. Keep improving and you'll be averagely good in Math in no time. Pajarin, I want you to refer in Carillo's list and let the idiots fine 150 pesos each for escaping." Dante Pajarin, our treasurer. "Carillo, how many are they?"

"N-Nine, President." MC replied.

"Delos Reyes, calculate 150 multiplied by 9. Don't use calculator."

"O-Okay... 1350, President."

"Pajarin, collect that overall 1350 after tomorrow. Make sure it's complete. No more, no less. Disobey and pocket the money, you know what's next. I'll see you in the clinic with the principal."

"O-On it."

"Bola, I want you to spread this news. 'All the students in this class who will dare to escape their cleaning or any duty will fine and be punished.' Relay it as it is. I don't want to hear added or lacked information. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes." Renalyn Bola, our PIO.

"You Archer, come early. Make sure you're earlier than the vice-president. Maintain the peacefulness of the class. You'll come to me when it's beyond your control. I'll handle them. REMEMBER that you're the peace officer not the riot officer. Got that?"

"L-Loud and clear!"

"Santiago, any issue regarding what I said?"

"Huh? Ahem. None Ms. President." Apparently, only Nikolai don't stutter to Rhein. Same goes to Vincent who talks in Morse Code. It will be much weird if he write his code in a stutter form, don't you think?

"Then tell that man you're on your way." Rhein told Nikolai who's holding his phone. So he's talking to someone all this time and he was caught by Rhein. "Meeting adjourned."

"Diaz, stay. The rest of you, leave." Uh-oh. All of them left except Phil and MC.

"W-We'll leave with our friend." MC said.

"MC is r-right." Phil seconded

"He's safe with me. Trust me when I say that. Unless someone did stupid or unfair. Go while I'm being nice."

"I'm fine guys. You go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow." I smile at them. Why do I feel okay about this? Do I really trust that Rhein won't hurt me?

"Okay. But—" Phil was cut by MC.

"Be careful, Jake. It's getting late." I smile at them before they leave.

"Close the door and windows, Jake." Did she just call me in my first name?


"Do you want anyone to know what you're hiding in your bag?" Huh? I don't know what she's talking about but I suddenly tensed up and follow her.

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