Chapter 4

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"I'm going to my room now." I told Mom when we finished eating dinner.

"Hold up, young man! Before you go, you must have forgotten that you'll hang-out with the dishes."

"Right. I forgot." I immediately washed the dishes and head to my room.

I opened the diary again. I started reading the second entry.

Dear Diary,

   I thought being the secretary is bad. Especially if you always have to work with Rhein. I know she's so emotionless and cold. Like she's a machine or something. She's tough and brutal. Totally barbaric. Everyone fear her including me. She has her own government. The only one who fights Lizzy, the mean queen bee. Or comment on teacher's mistake directly. Embarrass them or insult them. She never really show respect.

   But Jake is something too. I remembered how he defended me from Lizzy when I won the election as secretary. I didn't even thank him. For what? Ever since he nominated me, I learned to be more responsible. I have the chance to get to know Rhein better and not just fear her. Because of him, I found new confidence. Stronger than before. I've met friends.

   Jake... And maybe his friend Phil, they are the people close to me in class. I'm thankful I met them. If I have to hug them just to show how thankful I am, maybe I will.

   Phil is nice although he's kind of overconfident. He's funny and a sweet-talker. He's so approachable. Probably many girls fall for him.

   Jake is nice too. He's a serious person. But sometimes is also crazy like his friend. He's really a fine guy. Like Phil, he's sometimes old-fashioned but it's alright. He's comfortable to be with and a trustworthy person.

   Well I'm writing a poem right now by the way. Writing this makes my heart feel the warmth and let a sweet smile escape on my lips.


"Jake! Don't stay awake for too long! You have school tomorrow!"

"Yes Mom! I'll— I'll just finish my homework."

Ah... I never thought MC thought of me this way. Her words about me, so surprising. Why? You'll never read those in her eyes. Hug me... And Phil? Unbelievable if it's her.


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