Chapter 4

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"Lloyd - wait!" Nya's calling after me, but I'm running. I don't know where, I just... have to get away from those people. They have to be lying - they have to. 

My feet plunge through snow as I follow a brown dirt path that the Formlings must have come from. I need to see Akita. After about five minutes of flat out sprinting, I reach a large village. I recognise it as the one we stayed at last time we were here, and I would stop to marvel at the change and beauty if I wasn't in such a rush. It'll be fine - Akita's great great grandmother must have had the same name as her. Once I find her she can show me around the village, and we can catch up, maybe go on a date... my thoughts brighten and my heart rises when I reach the biggest house at the centre of the village.

I can already see Akita, her cute smile, her bright eyes - "H-hello?" I stop running, and see I have burst through the door and interrupted some sort of meeting. An old woman stands to greet me. She is at the head of a table shaped in a ring, and in the centre of the ring is a fire.

"Sorla?" I ask, confused. This woman looks strikingly like Sorla, but doesn't resemble her exactly. The woman smiles. "That was my great great great great grandmother." (so many greats but it's true) "And who might you be?" I pause, catching my breath. "M-my name is Lloyd. I'm from Ninjago - sorry, did you say great great great great grandmother?!" The woman nods. "Yes. I remember your name from the History books and tales we tell at the fire. I understand time passes differently in Ninjago than it does here. Are your friends here too?" "Yes, Ma'am. Have you seen Akita?" The woman's face drops. "I am afraid your dear friend Akita passed away over a hundred years ago." She's still talking but I either can hear her or I can't register what she's saying. Akita. The only love of my life who hasn't betrayed me.


Beautiful, bright, happy, brave Akita.


"Lloyd? Are you alright?"

The world is spinning. I can't see. I stumble and fall on my back as my world fades to black.


I start to run after Lloyd, but the leader of the bear Formlings stops me with his calloused hand. "Your friend ran in the direction of our village. If he followed the path, we will meet him at the village." I nod, and return to Jay and Nya. "He's going to be crushed," Nya said sadly. A crunch of snow comes from the side of the Bounty as Kai jumps off, carrying Cole. The Formlings gasp and fall to the ground as Kai approaches nervously. "Um... hi?"

"Truly this is the great Fire Maker!" Jay, Nya, and I all roll our eyes as Kai's light up. "Yes! That's me!" Three men rush forward to carry Cole. One gingerly approaches Kai. "Would you like me to treat your arm, or would it be a crime to touch the great Fire Maker?" Kai starts to reply, but Nya interrupts, exasperated. "Oh, he's fine! Just an arrow flew into his arm. No big dea-" The leader gasps so loudly I snap my head in his direction to see he hasn't been stabbed. "Kruig fired that arrow! We shall have him executed immediately." The one who must be Kruig throws himself at Kai's feet... sobbing? Oh God, you've got to be kidding me. Ninjago and Cole are at stake! "Forgive me, Fire Maker! I will never forgive myself..." Kai shuffles uncomfortably. "Uh, 's fine, I guess. It'll heal." Kruig gazes up at Kai with wonder.

"He is so forgiving, so merciful..." "Ok," I say sharply, cutting a humbling Kruig off. "We need to get going. Remember Cole." Nya, Jay, and Kai agree. "Alright," Kai says. "Take us to your leader."

As we walk, Dill, the leader, catches us up on the history of the Never Realm. "When you ninja left, Akita and Kataru left to find the other Formlings. Once they had found them, they returned to the village you visited, and, with the help of the soldiers and the King, we rebuilt our civilisation, and now we live in our settlement made up of Formlings and humans alike. The peace has lasted for hundreds of years, and we will be eternally in your debt." I smile.

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