Chapter 8

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As I clung to the side of Jay's vehicle, I studied the looming silhouette of Ninjago City as it grew closer. We were all wearing gas masks, so I didn't have to squint my eyes because the wind wasn't blowing on my face.

The city looks... dead. It might partly be because of the absence of the dull haze of city lights, or the unmoving cars lying in the middle of the freeway, but the main thing I notice is the ominous silence.

Ninjago City is normally alight with the low hum of traffic and bustling citizens. Now, when we weave through the outskirts of the city, people lie sprawled on the sidewalks and grass. Cars are skewed all over the road, with sleeping drivers. 

I look up to Borg Tower. While it grows closer, so does my dread. A tornado of black energy swirls around the top. "Ok guys, try to stay alert," Jay says nervously. "I guess it'll be pretty to lose focus when we get closer to Hypnos, because, you know, um..." He trails off. I glance at him through the window into the driver's cockpit, to check that he's still awake. "Jay?" I ask. "You okay, buddy?" He nods and gives me a thumbs up, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah, just a little nervous about facing Hypnos." "Oh, guys?" Cole says. "I think I might be immune to Hypnos' magic." "What?!" Nya exclaims. "Yeah," Cole says with a smile. "I think that tea worked pretty well."  "You think?!" Kai yells. "Now we have a shot at killing him!" Cole smiles. "Yeah. Yeah, we do."

We screech to a stop in front of Borg Tower, and I leap off of the car. I turn to my friends as Jay scrambles out of the car behind us. "Ok, so if these masks aren't enough to protect us from Hypnos' magic, then I'm guessing it will affect the smallest of us first." We turn to Jay and Kai. Both of them being the shortest, the two have been in an endless argument about who the taller one is. They start to bicker, but Cole cuts them off. "Let's settle this once and for all."
He gets Kai and Jay to stand back to back, and flattens Kai's hair. After a moment of studying the two, Cole takes a deep breath dramatically, and announces, "Kai is the shortest!" Jay whoops and punches the air with his fists, while Kai seems to deflate and scrunches his eyebrows. "Only by like a millimetre." Jay ruffles Kai's hair with a grin. "Cheer up little man. You might not have to fight Hypnos now, because you miiight be the only one aslee—" Kai punches Jay in the arm forcefully. "Just because I might be the shortest doesn't mean I'm not the bravest. Or the smartest. Or the best looking." His usual smirk returns to his face. 

I nod. "So we should keep an eye on Kai, because if the masks don't work then the magic's gonna affect him first. The masks might still protect most of us, but we should prepare for the worst." We agree, and I lead our crew into Borg Tower. 

"Jeez, it's like a ghost town in here," Kai marvels, and I have to agree. Borg Industries is normally a thriving tech business, with clients lined up around the block. In a way there are clients lined up around the block, just not... conscious. 

Jay makes for the elevator, but when he pushed the small button, it made a powering down sound. "Oh, come on-!" He exclaimed angrily. Extending an arm, he zapped the button with lightning, but nothing happened. He turned around and brushed past us. "I hate the stairs." We pile into the stairwell, and as I look up I gulp. Borg Tower is very, very high, and I don't do well with heights. 

Ten minutes later, and we're still puffing up the stairs. I glance out a window, and judging by the reflection of the window, I'd say we're halfway there. "Come on *pant* guys! We're *pant* ninja! We can *pant* do this!" Nya huffed from the front. Kai trudges along behind her, with Cole in third, Zane in fourth, Jay behind him, and me at the back. I look up and ahead, and inch along the wall, passing Zane. I tap Cole on the shoulder, drawing his attention. I lean in to whisper in his ear. "Keep an eye on Kai - he's stubborn, and he won't admit it if he starts to get tired." Cole nods, and picks up the pace a little to get closer to Kai. I fall back to stay behind Jay, wanting to keep an eye on him as well. 

Five minutes later, I'm just starting to think that the oxygen masks are magic-proof when Kai can't keep it together any longer. 

He lets out a small, almost inexplicable yawn that doesn't go unheard by Cole and I. Cole goes up the stairs three at a time to catch up with him, and grabs his arm to stop him. "Kai, you're getting tired, aren't you?" Kai keeps his head down and shakes his head as Nya stops and turns. She holds his head in her hands, and looks him full in the face. "Kai Smith, tell the truth. Are you or are you not getting affected by—" She's cut off with another yawn. Kai's eyes widen, and he shakes his head again. 

"No, seriously, I'm fine! It's just a few yawns, and anyway you all know I won't stop walking until I'm fully passed out. And seriously, this could be the worst that the magic can do! It might not actually put us to sleep!" Nya groans and turns back to face the continuous stairs. "I guess you're right. All right, Jay?" From the back, Jay yawns too, but holds up a thumbs up. "All g-g-good here!" Nya rolls her eyes and turns to keep walking. 

Two flights later, Kai stumbles, and Cole pushes him to the ground. "Kai, focus on me, okay?" I turn, and just in time manage to catch Jay, whose eyes are drooping shut. I gently set him with his back lying against the wall, his head resting on his chest. Cole is desperately trying to keep Kai conscious, but his head keeps pitching forward, only for him to snap it up again, faint defiance in his half-closed eyes. "Not... tired," he mumbles, as his head droops a final time, and he lets out a soft snore. Cole ruffles his hair, and stands back up to face me, Zane, and Nya. "We should keep going." I agree with a yawn, praying that I'll be able to fight Hypnos. Only one flight later, and Nya's on the floor as well. Now it's down to only Cole, Zane, and Me. Cole eyes me.

 "You should go at the front, bro. Zane's not even tired, I'm immune, and you're the only one yawning now. You're next." I groan. "I w-w-want to f-fight Hypnos though..." My vision fades, and I land on my butt hard. Cole gets down on his knees and pats my shoulder. "We'll be back for you, little man." I laugh quietly at the nickname that has stuck since I became a ninja as a child, and my eyes close, despite my efforts to keep them open.

Good luck, Cole and Zane.
Wake me up when it's over.

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