Chapter 5

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5 Minutes Earlier
I run upstairs to check out my room. Solla said our rooms were suited to our elemental powers - this I have got to see. I run passed a black painted door with Cole carved into the wood; Cole would be in there. A pang of sadness flashes through me a the thought of my sleeping best friend, who might never wake up. I forget it for now and continue walking past Kai's red door, Nya's light blue door, and Zane's white one, and reach my own. My door is a bright blue, and it's next to Lloyd's, who's door is bright green and is at the end of the hallway. I push open my door and gasp as I walk into my room.

The walls are painted the same colour as my door, with white bolts of lightning trickling down from the ceiling in zig-zagged lines. My massive king bed has a blue quilt, with matching pillows with a slightly darker hue. At the end of my bed is a massive plush soft couch, and I turn expectantly to where the couch is facing, expecting a tv, but of course the Never Realm hasn't gotten that advanced yet. Instead, there's a floor-to ceiling bookcase. A wardrobe stands in the corner. "Not bad," I say aloud, impressed. I freeze when I hear mumbling come from the room next door. I run into the hallway, and face the door the mumbling's coming from. I fling open the door, and find Lloyd sleeping in his bright green bed.


I hear footsteps in the hallway approaching. I stand, shocked, in the door frame as Kai, Nya and Zane come up behind me. "What happened?" Nya says, putting a hand on my shoulder. I walk into Lloyd's room, letting my friends see him. Kai's eyes widen. "Please tell me he's not-" "Lloyd arrived shortly before you," Solla says sadly. "He came asking about—" "Akita," Nya, Kai, Zane and I all say at the same time. Solla nods. "I told him that she had passed hundreds of years before, and he fainted." 

"Akita..." he mumbles in his sleep, tossing and turning. "'Kita..." 

I look at him sadly. "Oh buddy..." I turn to see Nya has tears in her eyes. I go to hug her. As I wrap my arms around her comfortingly, I think how lucky Nya and I are to have each other. Lloyd... has always had love taken away from him. I never really though about it, but Lloyd's life must sorta suck... at least he has his mom. And Wu. And us. But having Garmadon for a dad, and losing Harumi and Akita must have crushed him.

Lloyd suddenly sits bolt upright, his eyes wild, breathing heavily, sweat on his forehead. Looking around desperately, his eyes land on us, and tears fill them. I'm shocked - Lloyd's never cried in front of us. Even when he lost Harumi and his Dad. He's been so strong, and I guess this was the last straw for him. He breaks down, bringing his hands to his face. His shoulders heave with each sob, and Nya and I run to comfort him. Nya hugs him, and I awkwardly rub circles on his back as he cries. "I know..." Nya whispers, crying silently too, tears pouring down her face. "I know, Lloyd... I'm so sorry..." 

"I'm going to miss her so much... I mean, I missed her when we got back to Ninjago, and I alway sort of knew she wouldn't be here when we came, but... I couldn't not hope that..." Lloyd sobs again. Nya sniffs. I realise I have tears in my eyes, too. Kai leans on the doorframe, his face bowed. Solla seems to have left, to give us some privacy. I turn back to Lloyd. 

He grew up so fast, literally, an even though he's barely an adult, he's already had his heart broken twice. I feel so bad for this kid.

"Hey buddy..." I think of what to say. It could be worse? You'll fall in love again? It'll be ok? But it'll never be ok for Lloyd. "We've met some pretty great people, Lloyd, and she was one of the best," I say sadly. "We'll all miss her." Kai nods his head, and Nya hugs Lloyd tighter. Lloyd sniffs and nods, wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry..." he mutters. "'S stupid to cry." "Lloyd!" Nya says angrily. "It is always ok to grieve. One of the best things you can do when your grieving is cry. Crying lets it all out. It helps." "Yes, even as a nindroid I feel emotions," Zane agrees. "It is completely natural." Lloyd shrugs. "It just seems... weak?" Nya shakes her head. "It's only human." 

Kai nods. Jeez, does this kid feel any emotion for anyone but himself? I push away the thought. Just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean he doesn't feel it.

"Hey, let's do something to get our mind off this," Nya says. "Yes!" I cheer. "Hot tub party! I'll go find one!" I start to run out, but Kai grabs the collar of my shirt, holding me back. "I was going to say get the Traveller's Tree berries," Nya says, rolling her eyes. "Maybe some Traveller's Tea will wake up Cole! And we can defeat Hypnos, too!" My face brightens. "I never thought I'd say it, but that sounds better than a hot tub party! Let's roll!" Lloyd jumps out of his huge bed, smiling weakly. "I say we do it. And... thanks, guys." Nya hugs him again. I grin. "All part of being a big brother." Lloyd's eyes narrow mischievously. "I'm going to get you for that!" He chases me out of the room. I'm glad I can help him.
He's just a kid, after all.

I have been studying the Drovestone, and despite its evil, I can't help but be fascinated by it. Its powers do not affect me, because I am a nindroid, which means that it wouldn't affect Zane either. That's very good news; if all of Ninjago falls into eternal slumber, Zane and I will still be able to stop Hypnos.

While one of my inventions scans the stone, a beep comes from my computer. I turn towards it and see that it is a call from Master Wu. More good news, maybe! Perhaps Wu has found another weakness! Maybe Zane will be able to come back from that terrible place, the Never Realm, earlier! I shudder at the thought of the icy prison that held my love for weeks. 

My hopes rise as I accept the call, but quickly diminish as I see it is not Master Wu who called me, but... "Hypnos," I growl, my glowing green eyes shooting daggers at the villain. He smiles cruelly. "Hello, my dear Pixal. How are y—" I cut him off. "Cut the niceties, fiend! What have you done with Master Wu?" Hypnos smiles again. "Well, why don't I show you?" I gasp, terror flooding my system, as Hypnos turns the camera to face the city.

Hypnos has called me from the top of Borg tower, the place where my father works. Wu lies, asleep, at Hypnos' feet. Hypnos zooms in on the ground, and he shows the streets littered with citizens, who appear... dead? No, they must be... "Asleep," cackles Hypnos. "I have put the entirety of Ninjago under eternal sleep. I will destroy the city, and make a throne of the sleeping bodies of your friends, the ninja. Now... where have you sent them?" I hang up, breathing rapidly. "Oh, ninja..." I whisper. "Please hurry... but I fear you may be too late."

Guys I'm so sorry I killed Akita, but we all knew it was inevitable (thanos moments)
Thanks so much @nanT-ana5 for voting chapters 2 and 4, it means a lot!
Next chapter coming soon -v-

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