Chapter 6

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The mountain of the Traveller's Tree - sorry, Traveller's Forest, was a lot less cold and rocky. A waterfall gushed from the top in a clear stream, and grass covered almost all of the slopes. Patches of snow lay here and there, and wildlife roamed freely.

"Wow," I say, amazed, as Jay, Kai, Zane, Lloyd and I all walk along a riverbank on a flat part of the mountain. "It's so much warmer." Dill, the one who offered to take us to the Forest, grabs a large leaf from one of the nearby bushes and scoops up some water from the river.

"They say the water here has healing abilities, because its origin was corrupter ice. After many decades, it began to melt, leaving water with healing abilities. One of our explorers broke his leg on the journey up here, drank some water because he was thirsty while he waited for help, and his leg healed."
I gaze at the water. My hands rise and I close my eyes in concentration. I open them, and will the water to come to my hands. A small sphere of water rises from the river, and floats to my open, waiting hand. Landing in it, the sphere keeps its shape, and I place it to my mouth and drink.
Instantly, energy and warmth floods through me as the water flows into me. I shudder with delight. Looking at the others, I grin. "You have got to try this."

While the others drink, I grab a small container from my gi and make some water float into it.

"Maybe this will help Cole."

Suddenly, a yell erupts from the waterfall, and a crowd of people dressed in tattered clothes and formling animals charge straight at us.


Straight away, we leapt into action. "Ninja-go!" I cry as I erupt into a swirling tornado of green energy. My fists and katana fly as I kick, punch, sidestep, and thrust. Soon, the people and Formlings who attacked us are either groaning and injured on the ground or unconscious. Kai is holding a buff guys with his arm around the hostage's neck. The guy has a scruffy black beard, with tattered blue clothes and bags under his eyes.

"Who are you?" Kai says as the man struggles.

"The name's Dremma," He growls. "I'm the proud leader of the Vex Loyalists. It's all your fault Vex is dead, and we're going to take you stupid ninja down for it." With that, Dremma transforms into a red snake. Kai lets go of Dremma, and he slithers away quickly.

I look back to Kai. "Why'd you let him g-" Two puncture marks are barely visible on Kai's shaking hand. "KAI!" Kai collapses. Nya runs forward and catches Kai just before he hits the ground. "It - it hurts..." Kai whimpers. His lips are turning blue, and he's shaking violently now. We don't have much time, but what can we do? Nya's hand rises, open as if to receive something. Maybe she's wishing for a miracle to fly into her hands? Well, a miracle does fly into her hands, but she made it. A sphere of water rises from the river, and obediently drifts into Nya's outstretched hand.

Somehow, the sphere keeps its shape as she tilts Kai's head back, and the water trickles into his gaping mouth. His dull eyes, which were closing slowly, burst open as he gulps down the water. The puncture wound on his hand vanishes as he sits up and stares at it. He looks up at Nya.

"That's magic water right there," he says hoarsely, shaking his head. He stands up. I turn to Dill.

"'Vex Loyalists'?"

Dill looks as confused as I feel. "I promise you, I have not heard of such things before now." I turn to the rest of the group. "We should keep moving. We don't want to get attacked by those thugs again, they seem dangerous. Come on - the sooner we get the Traveller's berries, the sooner we can tell Solla about the Vex Loyalists and see if the berries can help Cole."

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