Group Dinner

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The follow-up to the 'Trauma' shorts I posted on the compilations one. The short will come along with the drinking part, just with the seriousness toned down. 

If you wish to skip to the part where the tomfoolery starts happening, go on

Treat it as like a preview of what I can do if I'm not fucking around doing dumb ass shit

you think jesus ate chicken wings?


The blond-haired Sarkaz kept smiling into the amber sky, the colours clashing with each other forming an organized yet chaotic sky with the clouds weaving through the air.

Deevy was mesmerized by this view, as so did everyone else who still wasn't used to Lungmen's occasional special view. She had her hands up to her mouth, unfazed at the sea of people currently walking by, instead, she was focused on the distinctive patterns. The girl hadn't seen a thing of such delicacy.

Indeed, she had never seen anything like this. Even when she has already been in Lungmen for at least a few months now and got used to the flashing lights during nighttime, every time she tilts her head up and moves her gaze, it never ceases to make her breath get caught up in her throat.

The wind had begun picking up as it passed by tickling her skin, it wasn't obvious as a million people had already bumped into her arm distracting her from the pleasant feeling that would soon turn into chills. The surrounding crowd started to take out any kind of clothing that would warm themselves while the temperature dropped.

It was getting colder.

And it was starting to bother her.

She had forgotten to bring any sort of coats or jackets outside, only sporting a chiffon blouse with an open collar with a long lantern sleeve with slits in the sides and lace panels that ran along the length, so her arm wasn't fully exposed. Deevy had only dressed like this to drown in bliss from the breeze, and also because she had asked a certain Sankta what style he'd like to see her wear.

In case anything backfires, she could easily blame the other Sankta who came up with this idea in the first place. Deevy slightly chuckled at the number of pranks that she could pull off to enact revenge.

The chuckle dulled away, being replaced with an urge to sneeze.

She was standing in the middle of the street, her neck was exposed and she didn't have any warm clothes. This was all a recipe for a cold. Deevy had spent too much time daydreaming while looking into the sky that she had forgotten about getting sick and missing this month's paycheck.

Panic settled into her mind. It sat down neatly as the same situation had already happened more than three times now. She would sneak out somewhere just to gaze at the crimson sun hovering over the horizons of Terra.

She put her arms around her chest trying to warm herself up with her legs shaking in the cold.

She then felt something creep up on her, invading from everywhere on her body.


A simple brown jacket with a chest pocket was put over her. The cold feeling being replaced with heat.

"You'll catch a cold." A familiar voice spoke behind her. Deevy didn't jump upon hearing this, instead, she felt the panic fade away with the sounds of her heart beating replacing the unwelcome emotion. She turned her head to see him hoodless.

It was expected, as he had revealed his face a couple of days ago willingly after being in Penguin Logistics for half a year.

She wanted to call him by his true name but feared that it would only bring more misery to the boy.

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