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Mom and Dad


Atsumu's P.O.V.

We lost track of time training and I just realized that when I check my phone and I saw it's 10:35 pm then my phone suddenly die.

Crap... I need to go home or Samu will get angry again. As per usual Sakusa drove me back to my house and say goodbye and drove away.

I took a deep breath as I open the front door and bracing myself to get lectured by Samu but luck isn't on my side this time.

There, my so called parents looking at me furiously as I just looked at them with a deadpan expression.

"We're did you go?" My dad ask.

"Why do you even care." I replied back, annoyed

"Watch your attitude young man, you really have the guts to leave your brother here alone while you do just whatever you want." Mom said getting annoyed.

" You watch Yer tone! Why the fuck do you even care? Samu is already big enough to handle himself." I replied.

As I walk passed through them and going to my room. But sadly, someone pulled my arm making me stumbled a little.

"What the fuck do you even want?!" I said getting really annoyed.

I just want to go to my room and too exhausted for this.

"You fucking disgrace." He said as he hit me with a pipe he was holding making me fall on my butt.

I laugh hysterically as I looked at them ,dead in the eye. I can tell they flinch from it.

"Yeah sure.... I'm the fucking disgrace when you two are the ones who's the problem here!" I said... more like I shouted as I got hit once again but on the head this time.

I can feel the blood sliding down on my face. I stood up and looked at them.

"Is that all you've got? This shit won't work on me." I said mocking them.

"You fucking bitch" he said as he punched me.

" This is why we hated you. You should've been born." Mom said as I looked at her and chuckled.

"Well I'm so fucking sorry that I have to be born.. I didn't even choose to be born in the first place. Besides yer the one who decided to get fucked and to have a child not me!" I replied back.

Dad was about to hit me with a pipe when Samu suddenly stopped him. Holding his arm.

"Mom dad what the fuck!" He said as he run towards me.

As Samu was about to put his hand on my shoulder, I slapped it away and walk out of the house. Deep breaths Atsumu... You'll eventually will get out of this house.... with Samu... Yeah... With Samu...

I can feel my self getting dizzy but just brush it away and started to walk. I'll just go to Ka-chan's place... I hope she's still awake.... Ugh whatever...


Here I am now in front of her apartment and my head is started to hurt more. I knock at the door and waited patiently. It didn't take long for the door to swing open.

There I saw Akari, her eyes wide as I just give her a sad smile as my vision suddenly turned black.


Akari's P.O.V.

I was laying at the coach when suddenly I heard a knock on my front door. My instincts are like shouting at me and telling me to hurriedly open the door, so I did.

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