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It's Today...


Atsumu's P.O.V.

Today is Friday which means it's our birthday...umm... yay? I'm not really excited about my birthday but I am excited about Samu's reaction when I show him my surprise, which is Kazuki.

After morning practice when me and Samu went to the lockers to change our shoes, a lot of presents and letters fall out from inside... I sigh as I change my shoes. After that I picked up the letter and presents that fall and put it in a paper bag same goes with the other presents and letters inside the locker.

Samu put his inside his bag. After we're done we went to our class.... and as expected there's a bunch of presents and letters on both our desk. I put them all in the paper bag before sitting down. Alas... I can't wait to surprise Samu later. Since I told Zuki to come here at practice after school... 


Morning class is already done and it's lunch... thank goodness cause I'm really hungry... I forgot to eat breakfast... well I really didn't forgot... I just didn't eat.. I almost forgot I also have a training with Omi tomorrow..

I've been thinking are we just gonna train with close combat? Like it would be awesome if Omi teach me to use weapons... I mean I wanted to try using a pistol... actually I wanted to try way too many things cause where's the thrill in life? 

I don't really know when did I accept the fact that I'm now deeply involved with the mafia but ehh... I ain't complaining now... It's my fault anyways. Me the team are here at the cafeteria of course we're eating lunch. Every minutes a student will walk towards our table and greet both me and Samu a happy birthday. Of course we'll say our thanks to them.

As I was eating I felt my phone vibrate and  took it out . I wonder who is it?  As I opened my phone I saw a lot of messages from multiple group chats we have like the setters group chat, the gc where all  the volleyball players are in and more.... I honestly don't know why we have so many group chat's. I didn't open any of them since I tap Akari's message.


Akari <3:

Happy Birthday^^

You're already 18..

You can get arrested now lol.

Thank you Ka-chan^^

I am fully aware I can get arrested now.

But I mean... I can get my self arrested if I want to right??



Are you srs rn?!


I'm just kidding XD

Am I tho?

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