VII- Michael Matthews- Senior Year

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"Mikey, get me a choc muffin," Nia spoke to my right, on the passenger side. I was about to get out of my Audi 10RS3. I stopped in the parking lot fronting Starbucks. I always get her an iced latte before we go to school in the morning.

"Gotcha," I look at her slightly before closing the door.

She still wears hoodies and loose jeans and sneakers. I got her tons of my school hoodies, good thing she wears them.
The back has a big number 12, and MATTHEWS at the top in white, the front has a smaller version on the top left, with the school logo slightly below it.

What can I say?
She's mine. But I would have her face tattooed on my cheek if she asks.

"Thanks!" Her gorgeous smile greets me as I slide myself inside my car. The scrunching sound from the brown starbucks bag muffles the little purr of the car engine as I back out the parking lot.

"Want some?"
I give her a slight nod, keeping my eye on the road.
"Here," the smell of chocolate waffs into my nose as I feel her hand near my cheek. I open my mouth and she plops the chunk inside.

"Thanks," I say, while chewing. She snorts a bit before wiping my cheek with a napkin. She made a sucking sound with the straw before I felt a little graze below my lip.
I look down and see the green straw. Cold creamy coffee goes inside my mouth as I suck on it.

"So.. diner later?" I ask her.

The football team has a hangout place near the beach front. Where long concrete tables line the sand. Football season is still a few months away, so training is just 3 days a week for now.

Nia has band practice 3 times a week also, but she tutors some of my team mates sometimes, so the hangout place gets littered with books.

"Yeah," she says, "Jeff has a test tomorrow, we'll be in a separate table"

Jeff Whitman is our senior runningback, and always gets in trouble with Math subjects. Nia made a deal with his math teacher for extra credits and a recommendation letter. Otherwise, she would not have agreed to help him out.

Nia got famous in school by association with me. Labeled as the 'nerd who dates the quarterback'.

Like right now, as we walk down the corridor to her locker, everyone stares at her. Sure I get the lusty stares from the females, and bro fistbumps as we walk, but she gets attention too. And I know she hates it. I mean, I keep my arms latched on her shoulder. Maybe that's why. My arm has always been there ever since we dated in 2nd year.

"Hi Michael," Brianna, a cheerleader, purrs to my left as we walk. I could feel her grimey fingers brush my arm. Sent a not so good shiver down my spine.
"Sup," I say, trying to be polite, and clutched Nia closer to me. Nia stiffened slightly as she continued to walk.

I could see Brianna's leering glare to Nia, and she responded with an eyeroll.
We turned to a corridor and stopped. Nia started twirling the lock on her locker.

"There's a party later in my house," damn. Brianna's still talking behind us, "would love to have you"

Nia got busy with replacing books in her locker. I helped carry some as she arranged them inside.


"Sorry Brianna, Nia and me got plans later,"
"Nia and I," I could hear Nia whisper. I wanted to scoff at her. Such a mom. She'd be awesome with our kids. Wait-

"Ohh, she can come too of course!" Brianna's shrill laughter ringed in my ears. Damn thing sounded like an annoying bell.

"Sorry. We can't," I make my voice firm, so she at least gets the picture.

Nia never mouthes off anymore. She used to, when we were sophomores. She got tired though, 'stupid highschool comebacks are just too boring,' she said before.

Good thing none of the slutty females are in her ap classes, so she just gets snide whispers in the corridors and cafeteria. My team mates are protective of her also. No one can get a foot near her now.


"Hey Nia!" Sprite, a junior halfback shouts from the end of our cafeteria table.
Nia looks up from her sandwich and gives him an encouraging smile.
"Can I join later in the study table? I need help with chem"

"And?" Nia says with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh?" Sprite looks at her blankly.

"Quid pro quo, Sprite," she says, and bites off a sandwich piece.


Several of the seniors snicker.
"Her services are not free," someone says.

"Uhh--" yeah. Sprite is a bit on the slow side.

"Catcher in the rye, hardback," Nia says, looking at Sprite.

Several more snickers.

Nia grins and puts down her sandwich,
"Hand me your phone"

"Ohh," Sprite breaks into a goofy smile and reaches his phone to her. It gets passed quickly.

"Lock number?" Nia says, looking at the screen.

"Uhh," Sprite blinks several times before someone nudged him,
"Just say it Sprite,"

Well. The table erupted in laughter.
Even Nia grinned before typing on the phone screen. She opened up google and scrolled thru before opening a link to amazon.

She hands back the phone, it gets passed back to Sprite, where he looks at it with his blank face.

"Get that for me," Nia tells him, "yes, it's a book. You get 3 tutorial sessions in exchange for that"

"Oh!" Sprite's face breaks into a grin, "cool! Ok! Thanks Nia!"
"Hey! This is like, 30 bucks!" He whined

"Small price to pay for your education," she shrugs.

The seniors egg him on before he relented. I guess he needed it. He was apparently failing chemistry.

Good thing I could manage a B- average. Otherwise, Nia will own me. More of me. Then I remember she already does. So. Yeah.


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