XI- Michael Matthews- the beach

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I woke up to Nia shoving me. I kinda had her trapped with half my body. I didn't want to move from my perfect position in between her breasts, so I pretended to be asleep.

"Michael!" She groaned under me, "I can't breathe!"

I hummed and buried my face further in. God, her super soft breasts are just the perfect size.

I felt her sigh over her thin cotton shirt,
"Get off me, I need to pee"

I just hugged her closer and moved my head to the crook of her neck. She smelled so good from there.

She sighed again and tried to push my face away. I licked the little hand that was over my nose and mouth. Tasted a bit salty.

"Jeeezzz! I'll piss on you if you don't move," she kinda sounded mad so I let her go. Super funny how she stomped and half stumbled over my leg. She wore my tshirt and short sleeping shorts. My shirt covered it and reached almost mid thigh. Seeing her in my shirt made my cock twitch even more.

Sigh. Yeah
Ima need to jack off in her shower later. Again.


Her dad tossed me the keys to his LexusLM. The thing was modified inside so I could fold the comfy chairs forward and we could use the space. I was supposed to get our Mercedes van but I kinda forgot when I headed back to sleep at her place and used my usual car.

We stopped by the italian gelato place. True enough, they lent us a portable freezer. Nia had ordered chocolate mint, strawberry, cheesecake, choco fudge, and coconut, in big tubs.

"That's Maisie's favorite place," she says once I started driving for the beach.

Maisie Hutchinson, she leads their football band group and calls out what music to play during games. The band gets busy most of the year because they get divided up for basketball, football and baseball games. Even swimming and track, whenever the players get to higher games. I don't know how many members they have, but it's a lot. They nearly covered the football field last year when they did a marching band routine during the division title halftime. I only saw a taped version of it cos coach had us holed up in the locker room. Nia stood to one side and sang, instead of playing her thrombone. She has this super beautiful soprano voice I could listen all day to.

It's about 10am when we arrived to the muscle shack. The weather is a bit cool, but the sun is out. All good.

A lot of familiar band member faces are about and greeted us. Several boys helped me heave the gelato freezer out.

"Oh my god Nia!" Maisie's screaming voice ringed behind me. I turned a bit and saw them hugging and talking happily.

We pulled the freezer along the cement path and made our way near the beach front. There's already a food setup.

"Mikey," Nia called from behind me, "there's an outlet to your left"
I look for it and get the wiring from behind the freezer and plugged it in. A bit of a whirring sound happened. Then Maisie opened the glass partition and squeeled again. She hugged Nia again and thanked her, then dragged her to the food area.

I walked back to the van and got our backpack. I was already wearing a dark sunglass, black beach shorts, white tshirt and flipflops. Nia had her bikini over beach shorts, loose tank top and flip flops.

She saw me carrying our bag and quickly grabbed the sunscreen spray and her sunglasses that hung to the side. She settled her sunglasses on top her head before giving me a quick peck in the cheek and turned around to chat with her bandmates.

I found a table to the side that contained other bags so I headed for it and dumped our backpack. I removed my tshirt and folded it inside a separate plastic bag. Nia will have my head if I dare mix used clothing with new ones.

I could feel eyes when I walked to a drink cooler. But I just shrugged it off and got out a Coke can and fished a fried chicken leg. Scanning the crowd for a bit, I figured not all of them are from the band. There're faces from the basketball team, and baseball team.

"Bro!" Nick, one of our defense liner gave me a fistbump, "half the football team is by the beach playing volleyball. Wanna join?"

I guess so. I can play beach volleyball. Not as good as regular players, but not so bad.
"Sure dude," we start walking and I stop behind Nia's chair.

"Hey Nia!" Nick greets her before I could speak. She turns and greets back

"Ima go hang out with the guys they're playing volleyball," I tell her.

She grins at me and hold up her sunscreen. I nod to her and turn around.

The liquid felt a bit cold on my back when she sprayed it and I felt her soft hands massaging quickly.

She tugs my arm to turn me around and sprays my arm, chest and stomach. Then reached for my neck and face.

There were blurry eyes all around, watching us. I really couldn't give a fuck.

"Here, hold out your hand, I'm not doing your legs"
She sprayed a good amount on my hands and was about to turn around, but I was faster. My lips found her cheek and gave her a big wet smack.

"Droolface," she muttered, smacked my cheek and wiped my saliva off her cheek.

I chuckled and ran after Nick, all the while trying to rub the sunscreen on my legs.

I joined the boys in the net. Everyone was just trying to smash the ball over. Football is an extremely physical game, so imagine big burly half naked boys yelling and shouting curses at each other.

I got hit on the face several times and fell on the ground once. No one won in the end cos the linebackers started tackling each other.

The volleyball team booed us and shooed us off the net. Amazingly, the net was intact.

We ran to the water and got back to tackling. My face ended up on the sea floor and someone toppled over me. Shit fuckers made the water get in my lungs and I kinda half drowned before the weight fell off my back.

I got pulled up, coughing. Someone patted my back. It wasn't only me. The only one not half drowned was Tristan, the burliest. He was the last one on top of the pile. Nick had blood trickling down his nose as he laughed. Blake has a bruise over the left temple, and Marley has a little red spot on the tip of his nose.

I was laughing with them when we headed to the shore. And I was about to laugh some more but I noticed no one else was laughing. They had stopped and were standing still.

Nia was glaring by the shore, her arms crossed over her chest. Then her eyes found mine,
"You. Get your fucking ass here," she said, in her calm voice. I heard ooo's from the sides. My team mates didn't make a sound though.

The water made splashing sounds as I pushed my way to the front. The guys slowly parted and silently followed.

They kept walking in silence and gave Nia a wide space as they passed her.
I chewed on my inner cheek as I watched her.

When I was near enough, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the shower area.
"Your lip is cut," was all she said, while turning the shower knob.

I didn't even feel the pain, but my fingers felt the sand and some open skin. There's a blotch of red on my index finger when I looked at it. The blood was washed away quickly when the water came down.

I looked up to Nia and watched her take off her white loose tank. Her simple bikini top came into full view. She still has those black short swim shorts though.

"So sexy," I tell her.

"Be quiet," she gave me a glare before using her shirt to wipe my face.

"Do I need stitches?"

"No," she had pulled my face down to her level and was eyeing my lip, "just an abrasion. I have some ointment in the backpack"

"Ok," I say, no need to piss her off more.

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