I Will Wait...

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"Helena?" She looked at me quickly closing my laptop. "Why, Why did you read it?" I asked scared about her knowing now. "I just wanted to know why you were so worked up about everything." She said getting up from her seat. "But couldn't you actually wait till I felt comfortable with telling you instead of going behind my back to read it?" I said worrying if she saw the other confessions on my laptop as well  "I could have but I was just curious." "Helena Seriously you could have just told me it was bugging you and asked me to tell you." "I know and I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." She said trying to come hug me but I backed away and headed to the kitchen. I went into the cupboard to get a monster as I bought a whole lot just to keep there because I practically lived there now. I opened it and put in into a mug and went to the living room again while Helena silently followed me. "I guess we have to talk about this then." "We really don't have to if you don't want to." "No but you wanted to know so badly that you went to read it so we have to." She was silent after that just looking at her hands for a moment. "Is that how you really feel? About everything?" she said starting to cry again. "Yes Helena but I didn't want you to know just yet." "Why wouldn't you want me to know?" "Because I just needed time but you obviously couldn't wait to know which is actually quite irritating." "I'm sorry." "No it's fine I guess." I said pulling her in for a hug trying to console her. "Please stop crying."  A while passed as she finally calmed down. "Right now since you know I need to know your thoughts on this. On everything really." "Leah I love you and it would make me the happiest person on earth if I could marry you. I don't care about what anyone else says. EVen if I have to wait two years to marry you and be seen with you I would do it because I love you more than anyone and anything-" "Even more than you tea?" i said trying to make a joke out of this situation to make her feel better. "Yes even more than my tea." she giggled threw her tear staining her face. "I love you hellie and would do anything for you." And just then an idea came to mind. I quickly ran upstairs to get any box and took of one of my many rings on my hands of and quickly put it in the box. I rushed back down and sat down next to her back at the dining room table again. "Close your eyes for me would you." I said as she closed her eyes. I got down on one knee and told her to open her eyes. "Dear Miss Bonham Carter would you marry me? That is until we can actually get married..." "Yes my love and I will wait however long it takes." I Put the ring on her finger even though it was to big for her because she had a way more smaller hand than me. I pulled her in for a kiss but she yawned into the kiss and I could help but laugh. "Is my baby still tired?"  "Yeah a bit. Can we go up and cuddle?" "Anything for you my precious hellie."

We went up and she got in the bed, pulling the covers over her and picking it up so I could lay with her. I got in and cuddled into her chest. "You like it there don't you?" she laughed. "Yes for a matter of fact it is very comfy and warm." I said holding her tighter if that was even possible. We both fell of to sleep not knowing what the day would bring us but being happy in the moment because we had each other and that is all that mattered to both of us. 

I woke up later that day and realized that we had slept almost the whole day. I woke up half past four and felt so out of it. I went downstairs to have a cigarette. Even though Helena said I could smoke in the house it still felt wrong to me so I always came outside to smoke. I sat by the large tree in the corner of her yard and Lit my cigarette. It was so cold and I didn't even bring a jersey which led to me shivering my ass off. 

I was almost done with my cigarette so I woke up but before I could come back inside hellie came out with a large blanket over her. Honestly she looked so cute. I didn't know what she wanted but I didn't care as soon as I saw she wasn't wearing shoes and the ground was cold as hell, I would know as I wasn't wearing shoes as well. I quickly rushed up to her "Hellie what are you doing out here it's so cold?" I said rubbing her arms to warm her up. "I was worried about you so i brought a big blanket that we can both use plus I also wanted to smoke." She said looking up at me with the biggest smile ever "Can we go now i want to cuddle with you?" "Go where hellie?" "Inside." "I thought you wanted to smoke?" "I did but inside, can we go inside it's so cold outside and I don't want you to catch a cold." She said pulling me inside. "But Helena we can't smoke inside." "I don't want to hear any buts, come inside now." She said sternly and I just listened worried about what she would say next. 

We went inside and sat on the couch. Hellie got the ashtray and lighter and cuddled up against me. "Will you please pass the box?" She asked softly. "Of course my darling," I said giving her the box of cigarettes and lighting one. "Please hand me one too." I said trying to get the box from her  "NO NO NO You just had one outside." but she pulled it away. "But Hellie I just want one more, just one more." "I said no buts. I don't want to hear it." I pulled away from her and sat on the other said of the couch. I pulled the blanket of her and wrapped it around myself. "Hey its cold," She said trying to pull it back but i was stronger than her to keep her from taking the blanket from me. "Only if you give me the box." "But you won't even cuddle with me even if I give you the box." "I will but I don't want to hear anymore buts from you too." "But what If I want your butt?" she said giggling. "Helena" "Okay okay here you go."  she said giving me the box. I got under the blanket and snuggled into Hellie and light my cigarette trying not to think about the smell being in her house. I think she noticed it too ."Darling don't worry please. Can you just enjoy your time with me without worrying for once." Okay darling I won't worry. I'm sorry." Helena and I enjoy our time together just in silence. Her warm embrace making me tired after having my two smokes. Both of us finish and we end up falling asleep again just cuddling together on the couch. 

"Darling we only have one more year till we can be together." Helena said holding my shoulders stopping me from looking at the loud yelling coming from behind me. Many people sounded angry and yelling all kinds of nasty words but Helena never let me look behind me. "I will always love you no matter what happens."she said as the yelling got even more louder like more people were coming behind me "I love you too till the end of time."

Word Count: 1352

 A/N: Tried writing this on a road trip and was in a bad storm... with my cousins crying in the backseat and my puppy barking so much. It was kind of annoying but the worst part was my family keep asking me what I'm writing so it was kind of hard but okiis . Hope you guys like this chapter its not the best but I tried

Your love is my drug [Helena Bonham Carter ]Where stories live. Discover now