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Yohan : Jung Woo, bring me the cover i bought with some wet wipes... also wash your hand  before touching them...

(Jung Woo just sand there without moving while Yohan was moving Yuri into her bed)

Yohan : just don't act like you didn't hear me Jung Woo !! bring them ... aish this boy (moving his head in dis belief)

Jung Woo : here ( in low voice almost throwing the cover on bed near Yuri)

(Yohan raised his eyebrows in anger being annoyed by Jung Woo's behavior)

Yohan : Listen, she's your sister... and please at least try not to be cold towards her.... ( he said while giving Yuri injection which he bought on the way )

( while Jung Woo just thinking about what happened in school earlier)

(Jung Woo's POV)

Yuri : Ju-Jung-w-Woo is th-that yo-you? NOOoo~ 

(Yuri fainted on Jung Woo's arms while he was trying to wake her up)

Jung Woo : YA! GET UP ! YAA! YURI-AH YA!! ( he for the first time called Yuri by her name... he usually used to call her YA, YOU, HEY etc

Yuri : (opened her eyes a little to see Jung Woo, who's jaws and face were filled in blood and his hands filled with blood on which the fur of the fox can be seen) yo-you kil-killed it?? you ar-are a ki-KILLER ...... (by saying that she fell back into his hands)

Jung Woo : Yo-you didn't se-see any-anything , did'nt yo-you? AISH WHY DO I EVEN CARE IF YOU REALLY DID HUH? I JUST FRAKING DONT CARE HEE (he was worried for a second and suddenly remembering its Yuri he turned into his cold behavior)

(He picked Yuri up and went to the washroom that's behind their school which is rarely used by anyone and changed her jacket and washed her face and hands .... he also cleaned himself up and wore his jacket as his shirt was full of blood... since his pants was a dark blue, no one could notice the blood stains... he also threw Yuri's jacket and fired it with the lighter that Leon threw while he was running away from the fox earlier.... he picked Yuri up and went to front of the school and saw Yohan out of his car calling someone ... Jung Woo went near him)

Yohan : YAH ?? where were you guy? HUH... wait what happened to Yuri ? Yuri Yah ? ( he tried to wake her up)

Jung Woo : sh-she just fell asl-asleep.... you don't have to worr-- ( before she could finish Yohan picked her up and said )

Yohan : Jung Woo I'm a doctor , she is unconscious !! what did you do to her ?? I'm sure no one would harm her except you JUNG WOO !!! ( he said keeping Yuri in car )

Jung Woo : I think, uhm her friend told me she got hi-hit by the bal-ball during her englis- ah no PT class... yeah probably that caused her this ( he said without making eye contact with Yohan)


( Jung Woo thought that he would get caught so he lied to Yohan )

Jung Woo : ahh no wait hyun-hyung.... what if somting wrong happens to her when you are gone ... lets go home first and treat her ... this is not a big deal... her heal-health is impor-impotant ( he hesitated a lot to say something good for Yuri as he never did, but he had to since he wanted to escape from getting into problem)

Yohan : ( He couldn't believe that Jung Woo literally cared for Yuri ....he didn't care of his words and planed to take Yuri home) OK then get in lets go... (Jung Woo sighed)

(after a while, Yohan stopped by a pharmacy and bought a injection and some medicine for fever as Yuri seemed to have mild fever and drove back home quick)


Yohan : Yuri , hey wake up babe... yuri.... ( he tried to wake her up and she finally woke up)

Yuri : oppa? ( Yohan caressed her hair but as she saw Jung Woo she started to get scared) WHY DID YOU CLEAN ALL THE BLOOD HUH?? TO NOT SHOW OPPA?? YOUUUU 

( she tried to to push Jung Woo... usually when there is a fight Jung Woo  don't stand there but since this problem is because of him he didn't go and stayed there )

Yohan : Yuri... (trying to calm her down) no stop babe.. don't hit him stop....   Jung Woo-ah what is she talking about blood-- ( before he could continue Yuri threw a pillow at Jung Woo which made him get so mad at her and he started to shout)

Jung Woo : YAH ... WHATS WRING WITH YOU?? I DIDNT DO ANYTHING... YOU MUST'VE BEEN DREAMING SOMTING ... aish what sought of girl are you ? not even thanking me for saving you( he said last 2 lines turning around after shouting at her )

Yuri : saving me ? from what ?? and what do you mean by dreaming ?? i wasn't dreaming ....what do you mean ???

( Jung Woo caught Yohan's hand and took him out of the room )

Jung Woo : Hyung, i think she was dreaming ... since we had a fight in morning she must have been hating me so she saw a bad dream about me... what do she mean by blood when there's not a single on my dress ?? 

Yohan : (thinking) humm are you sure nothing happened ? something seems weird... i don't think Yuri have a habit of seeing dreams-- (before he could complete)

Jung Woo : Yea its true ... SHE JUST HAD A DREAM ... ( with saying that he entered Yuri's room again that he never does that made Yohan suspicious

Yuri : YA YOU!! WHY ARE YOU BACK YOU MONSTER (taking the lamp in her hand towards Jung Woo) YAAA---  (Yohan took it out of her hand and said )

Yohan : YURI  STOP... you just had a dream babe... don't shout at him... he did nothing... now stop... and come have snacks.... 

Yuri : but oppa--

Yohan : shhh don't say anything... just come down ... Jung Woo come down don't fight (he gave a signal as no to Jung Woo which Jung Woo just ignored

Yuri : ( after looking deep into Jung Woo's eye that turned Yellowish golden she screamed which contain scare and angry)



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