Taste Test

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(Crossposted so people following my Art Journey story can read if they want to!)

(This work is back from October 5 2020)

Edit: Heck, I accidentally tagged this fatal vore! It's not!

This story, like it says in the description, is safe for work and is written to be completely non-sexual.

Please understand that vore is not a kink for me, and I don't like people who interact with my content that way.


"I don't know, Luz..."

"Come on, Amity! It'll be fun!"

Amity couldn't see what would be "fun" about having Luz look around her mouth. "But my fangs..."

"Just be careful not to bite me; I'll try not get myself impaled." The shrunken human girl laughed.

But Amity didn't like it. "That's not funny! I don't want to hurt you!"

Luz held her hands out defensively. "I'm just joking!" The witchling scowled at her. "Besides, I'm already shrunken down, so why not at least try?"

Amity turned her head away from her crush. There was another reason she was feeling reluctant about doing that. But there was no way she was telling Luz that. "I would rather not!" She exclaimed her face growing a little red. It was because of the thought of Luz begin so close to her face. Literally in her face.
She was pretty sure she would never feel brave enough to get Luz that close.

"But why?"

She glanced at her, before looking away again. "I don't want to."

"Not even for me?"

Amity swore in her head. Did Luz really have to pull that card? She would do pretty much anything for her. But this is something stupid... She couldn't keep herself from smiling at the thought. When does Luz not do something dumb? "Alright! What do I do?"

Luz squealed in excitement. She's so strange... "Thank you so much! Just lean your head down so I can reach your mouth!"

Amity did as Luz told her, nervously keeping her mouth open. Why does she want to do this? Is it a human thing? Do humans like to look into their friends' mouths?

She could feel her hands press on her canines. She couldn't stop herself from letting out a gasp.

"What is it?" Luz asked, backing away.

"You said you would be careful!" she spoke a little louder than she meant to, making Luz cover her ears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell..."

"It's okay," the other girl paused for a second, before speaking up again. "But I was being careful! I just wanted to know how your teeth felt."

Amity nodded, a tiny bit confused, before opening her mouth up again.

She felt her place a hand on her upper lip; a small squeak escaped her throat.
But her thoughts were immediately drawn away from that, as Luz place her other hand on her tongue.

She had not expected her to taste like anything, but she had been wrong. Very wrong. Her mouth immediately flooded with drool. She tasted as sweet as she was. Not even a twinge of sourness or saltiness to her bafflingly good taste.

Luz voice changed for moment, as she let out a surprised noise, once again backing away from her. "Amity! Why are you're drooling so much?"

Amity snapped her mouth shout, quickly swallowing, before wiping the excess drool off her chin. She couldn't even speak. The flavor still overwhelmed her. It didn't make sense; how could she taste that good?

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