Chapter 10

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"I'm hoping you have something to report, Mr. Malfoy," Garlsen, Malfoy's overseer for his probation and the Reflection program, sneered from across the table.

Malfoy barely managed to control his own sneer as he responded flippantly, "I've not broken any laws."

It wasn't what Garlsen had wanted to hear, but the bald pudgy man snorted in mild amusement. "I suppose that's something."

Draco said nothing, crossing his arms and settling into the booth as he waited for Garlsen's judgement. The overseer stared at him over his round spectacles for a moment before continuing, "Have you made any progress with your mirror?"

"Yes," Draco growled, not bothering to hide his distaste.

Garlsen's eyes widened in the slightest of interest. "Please elaborate, Mr. Malfoy."

"I saw her."

Garlsen almost appeared... pleased. "Excellent - so you were able to identify her? Please give me her name -"

"It's no one I recognize," Draco snapped immediately, feeling some pleasure in the downfall of his overseer's expression. "She doesn't go to Hogwarts."

"Is that so?" Garlsen appeared unimpressed. He began scribbling something down in his book in front of him.

"Yes, it is," Draco informed him matter-of-factly, unable to control the rise in his temper. "I guess that's something you Ministry assholes didn't think through before implementing his program, is it? How, exactly, am I supposed to meet the woman in my mirror without leaving the country? And I can't leave the country without violating the conditions of my parole, which would land me in Azkaban. But, if I don't comply with your expectations and deadlines with this damn program, I'll end up in Azkaban anyways. So, please, for the love of Merlin, do tell me what the fuck you wish me to do?"

His voice rose to a near shout as he ranted, his anger spiking until the entire pub went silent. Self consciously, Draco sank back down into the booth. He hadn't even realized he had risen to his feet until he was glaring down at the sweaty, bald headed man below him contemplating how easy it would be to kill him and be done with it.

"If you would have held your temper for a mere few seconds longer," Garlsen drawled with an unimpressed, disdainful air. "I would have informed you that in response to situations like these, monthly balls have been set up to be held at various locations in order for any long distance matches to have the chance to meet one another."

"A ball?" Draco asked flatly, staring at the man in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that I have to attend a party?"

"Yes," Garlsen answered sharply. "It's required, as part of the Program and your parole. Now, on that note, the dance is in ten days. Everyone who is not already officially matched and declared is required to be there."

"Fantastic," Draco snarled, "I'm so glad the Ministry has thought of everything."

"Contrary to your beliefs, we are a smarter than you give us credit for," Garlsen smirked at him.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and bit his tongue against the onslaught of words that swarmed to his lips. Garlsen waited a few seconds, testing to see if Malfoy's temper would snap before he reiterated, "Ten days. Ball. It's at Hogwarts, so you have no excuse not to be there."

"I'll make an appearance," Malfoy assured him sarcastically.

"You will be there for the entirety of it. I'll be attending, so if you attempt to skip out or leave early I will know," Garlsen leered at him, "And there will be negative consequences."

Malfoy choked on his outburst, but managed to keep his next words contained. Swallowing the anger, he managed, "Very well."


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