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tw// bullying, poisoning


Growing up, Fundy had always been a bit of an outcast. The other merlings in school thought he looked weird with his numerous side fins and hydra fluke. That much had always been obvious by their whispers and stares.

It wasn't until someone had said it to his face that, when he finally got back home to their dark cave, he'd asked his mother, Sally, about it - blinking the questions out using the personal bioluminescence scale pattern that outlined his fins as the terrible prickling sensation of tears began,"Mama, why do I look like this? Does it have something to do with my papa?"

Her orange eyes flashed with something he didn't recognize but softened in the end.

It wasn't until he was older that he realized the emotion was a mix of pain and guilt - something he'd pester Sally about until she'd finally said she'd had enough and didn't want to dwell in the past.

But in that moment, as his glowing, little eyes had looked up at her with innocence and leftover hurt, she blinked back through her own striped (and equally bioluminescent) scale pattern, "Your papa was a very unique man, just like you! And that is nothing to be ashamed about. Now... can you repeat after me?" Little Fundy had nodded before she'd led him to their mirror. "Say 'I am special.'"

He hesitated as he looked himself in the eyes, "...I am special."

"Good!" Sally turned him to face her - beautiful salmon colored scales brushing his orange ones. "'I am capable.'"

"I am capable." The lump in his throat started to subside at the feeling of her soft, webbed hands holding his flushed cheeks.

"And," they closed their eyes as she put her forehead against his. "'I am deserving of love.'"

Fundy gave a toothy grin. "I am deserving of love."

It was a lesson that would always stick with him.

Today was going to be amazing. In fact, Fundy's plan had been panning out perfectly so far. Except for the actual getting attached part... that hadn't exactly been part of it but that was just a minor set back. He had to admit, there was something appealing about the way Dream presented himself - like the perfect protector.

Fundy sometimes found himself wondering if Dream would have saved him from the bullies if they'd gone to school together.

It was the only real thing that had made him question this need for power. However, despite the guilt that had started to eat away at him, no one had noticed him injecting weakness potions into the cooked fish of the current Prizarian Clan's trident-wielder, Puffy. Hopefully, that would mean Dream's coronation would be sooner rather than later - especially after the wedding.

Regardless, a trident would be his. Then he'd show those who doubted him just how capable and deserving he was.

Fundy secured his last piece of handmade jewelry, a silver plated ruby earring, in one of his pointed ears. All merfolk had one made by their parents that was specific to the clan they belonged to. However, this would be the last time he'd get to wear his. Soon he'd be wearing Dream's clan jewels, a gold plated piece of obsidian, and knowing the man's craftiness meant he'd get to look forward to an intricately woven design.

His slightly deformed tail twitched with excitement as Fundy swam to his mirror to get a complete look of himself. The gold would compliment the bright orange of it and the obsidian would match the dark accents on his fins. He really did look amazing despite his insecurities.

Now, with his scales thoroughly cleaned, earring in place, and decked in other shiny things as well, he was ready for his big day!

That is, until Sally swam into his room, stripes blinking furiously, "Fundy!"

"Yes Mama...?" He wasn't used to this sort of dramatic flare of things.

Empathy was written all over her face. Fundy didn't even need his night vision to see it. Slowly, she replied, "I'm afraid I have some terrible news."

He stopped fiddling with the gold littering his body. "What kind of terrible news?!"

"Cancel the wedding... type news." It felt like the gills on his neck stopped working then.

No. This couldn't be happening! What happened to his flawless plan?! There were only three steps left! Marry Dream, wait for Puffy to die, and then get a trident. Why did it have to be the most crucial step to fall through? All his hard work would have been for nothing!

Turning to her with the shock and rage evident on his face, he asked, "What happened?"

She swam up to him. "It's... Dream. He's gone!"

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