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tw// death, bones (mentioned), swearing, panic attack, guns (mentioned), kidnapping


Dream woke up to the sound of water rushing down the stairs of the room's entrance. He opened his eyes. Bits of human food (he assumed) and supplies floated around the contraption as the water level rose steadily.

Somehow George had done it - this was his escape!

The merman pushed himself out of the contraption he'd been stuck in for a week (assuming he'd calculated it right based on the number of meals he'd been given since George said humans eat three times a day instead of whenever they felt hungry... which was stupid) and splashed into the water.

A pleased rumble escaped his chest at the familiar and satisfying feeling of being fully submerged again - tail able to move freely.

Now, he just had to make it out of this room. The stairs would be nearly impossible to climb considering he'd have to go against the pouring of the water and drag his tail behind him (Dream had never realized how heavy it was before) so that left trying to break his way out through the side of the wall... 'and it's probably gonna hurt like a bitch' he thought.

He backed himself up against one of the side walls, ready to spring forward when a large explosion sounded from the other side. Dream ducked under the water as pieces went flying and water rushed to fill the rest of the room. As soon as it was somewhat clear, he darted out of his prison. The ocean, his home, stretched out before him.

A warm feeling flooded his chest as a trill of sheer joy escaped - he was free!

Movement below him caught his attention. Looking down, a couple things stuck out to him. First, Dream saw at least twenty armed merfolk (not daring to get too close to the surface lest they be met with the same fate as he was) from both his clan and the Egwardian clan, then he noticed Bad and Skeppy in the middle. Their trident's glowed with their respective colors combined to form a constant, purple strike of lightning into the sky above them.

Confusion pulled his eyebrows together. What was going on?

'Wait, George?!' he thought as the man's floating body came into view. He was being given a potion of water breathing - along with the rest of the crew it seemed - before being carried towards (what he assumed was) the direction of home over the shoulder of one of the armed merfolk.

So it hadn't been the human's escape plan...

He didn't have time to dwell on any of it for long because suddenly, a black and orange blur latched onto him, sending them both twirling through the water and tangling their tails together (something way too intimate to do with just anyone).

Dream pulled back immediately - skin crawling at the sensation and found himself face to face with none other than Fundy.

So he wasn't so free after all.

"Oh goddess you're alive!" His fiance blinked brightly.

Dream almost missed the slight disappointment that seeped it's way into the creases of his face for a brief second, "Uhh... yeah I-"

"When we get back, I'll start letting people know that the wedding is back on!" The merman's tail (that had always looked a bit strange and misshapen - not that he'd ever said it outloud) twitched with excitement as he swam away.

Perhaps it had been selfish to long for the possibility of living the rest of his days with his life partner (something he'd only ever told Sapnap and Karl about) but it would seem that the Moon Goddess had decided for him - this arranged marriage was fate. The idea made his heart ache. But duty called... he was the heir to the Prizarian trident afterall. This was his responsibility.

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