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tw// death (mentioned), manipulation, panic attack, vomit (implied)


'I wish George was here,' Dream thought distantly as he twirled his mother's golden trident and shifted once more; trying to get his aching scales comfortable against the coral throne that had been rubbing them raw for the past couple hours - green fluke itching to go for a proper swim.

The warm magma rocks below made his uncle's dark green tail look iridescent as it carried him back inside the room; gold accents blinked out, "That was the last one."

One of his many new responsibilities was to listen to the complaints or suggestions of his people and already, he couldn't fathom how his mom had managed to do this alone for so many years... but then again, maybe that is what made her unwell in the end.

Although, technically, he wouldn't have to go through this alone if he didn't want to considering how eager Fundy was - recalling how his cheeks had flushed in embarrassment after the other mer had kissed one the day before.

As if reading his mind at that moment, Sam broke the darkness, "There are a couple folks who have asked if they should continue preparations for the wedding..."

"Is that so..." Dream replied - calm and calculated, like his Uncle.

Small bubbles emerged from his garbled chuckle, "Truthfully, it's just been Sally. She's always wanted the best for that boy, you know." The mer's expression sobered when the younger didn't respond right away. "I know it's really soon... but I think that since your mom's death," he paused as if to collect himself, "it would be a good way to lift the spirits of the people." Dream's face must have given him away because the merman quickly added, "Of course, you hold the clan's trident so the choice is yours. I will support you no matter your decision."

Emotion overcame him in an instant. "Thank you Uncle," and he meant it.

It wasn't an answer but he hoped his face showed how genuinely grateful he was. Especially because it wasn't often Sam was this forthcoming with anything close to emotions.

"Your Highness! I thought I might find you here," Fundy blinked out brightly - barreling into the room and nearly slamming into the older merman who quickly dodged out of the way.

"Can I help you?" The Prizarian leader tried to contain his annoyance at the moment's interruption.

The orange-tailed mer's scales dimmed significantly, "Are you alright...?" Clearly, Dream didn't hide it well enough. "I don't want to upset you any further with what I have to say."

That caught his attention though. "What is it?" Hopefully, it was nothing too serious and could be fixed just as easily as some of the other requests he'd been given today.

Fundy's gills fluttered as if in preparation to break the news. "It's actually about the mer who conspired with pirates to kill Minx..."

Dream didn't have time to try and calculate his reaction, "What?!" The other two flinched at the brightness of his scales.

"I believe we've found them at last," Fundy recovered quickly.

The Prizarian leader's heart raced as he willed the brightness of his scales to dim as they blinked out, "Where are they?"

The orange-tailed mer gently presented one of the glass pieces from the archive that Dream hadn't even noticed he'd been holding.

Shock paralyzed his gills long enough to become light headed.

On the glass, staring back at him, was (undoubtedly) a sketch of a young George... or rather the infamous traitor, Nefoid. It seemed they were one in the same.

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