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××××××××××××Your Pov×××××××××××××

I Got up about and Hour later Threw On my clothes again and Walked to the door Leaving a note to peter that I was actually going to go to work.
'TK Is going to be so mad!'
I Hopped in the truck and Drove to work praying to god that Tk Doesn't fire me.

I got to work And when i walked in There Was Tk Holding the Mop. They sighed and Shook there head.

"Your taking Double shift Saturday and You better be there cause if not Your fired"

"Oh thank god! T.K your my savior!"

I Ran up to them and Hugged Them they Spun me around and Laughed. I was set down and Laughed. I smiled and patted his shoulder an walked to the back room Grabbing my apron. I Started To Wipe down The tables and take orders.


It was about 2 hours before i get off when a Guy walked in tall Curly Black hair in a Low ponytail Deep Eyes with eye bags and a Scar on his lip.

"Uh Welcome Just you today?"

He nodded and I lead him to a table He sat down as i Put the menu down and Tuck my note pad out .

"May i start you off with a drink?"


His voice was Rough and had a gross Tone. My face tensed up and I Walked To the counter But felt Like i was being watched I shook it off and Grabbed a cup filling it with water. I Sanitized my hands and Then walked back to his table.

"Your water sir"

I was about to walk away when He stoped me in my tracks

"You know Your body would look good in red.. On the floor.."

I gulped and Walked away faster. I went to the back to Have TK take care of him when there was a Note on the desk

'Yo! I Left! Hehe Sorry Ill be back in 30 minutes!


'Damn it! ' i groaned and Grabbed The pepper spray me and the other girls keep in the desk. I Put it in a pocket Of my apron and Walked back out to his table.

"Do you know what you would like To Eat?"

He didn't look up just started at the half full glass in front of him.

"Um sir?"

He Knocked the glass of the table Shattering it.

"Damn it!"

I Jogged to grab the mini broom and Dust pan. I Bent down and Swept the glass into the dust pan. I went to stand up when the guy moved Behind me so I Bumped into him Dropping the Dust pan.

"Excuse me!"

I tried to push him back but he didn't move and Grabbed me by the throat. I couldn't breath at all. It hurt a lot He slammed his Lips against mine kissing me.i Kept my mouth closed and tried to push him away putting My hand on his shoulder pushing it hard but he only Moved back a little. I Wanted to Get away as I tried to Get away. Tears Slid down my face as he Gripped my throat tighter cutting off my air way.

I grabbed his wrist of hand was wrapped around my throat. I Tried to kick him but he didn't even flinch. He pulled back and threw me on the floor.

"Can't wait till That pretty little face of yours Is Covered in blood With your guts out"

I tried to scramble away but he Got on top of me and Grabbed my head slamming it on the floor. I Groaned In pain. He Pulled his Arm back and punched me in the face hard. I groaned and Bit my lip as Blood Spilt out of the gash on my face from his rings. He Grabbed my apron and yanked it off me. He started Unbuttoning my shirt.

I softly sobbed to myself as He Ripped my shirt off. He tuck a knife out of His Pocket. I Faintly heard the Back door open 'TK!' I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he Slammed my head back down. 'I left my phone in the office!' I tuck a deep breath and Screamed.


The guy slammed his Hand over my mouth looking back At The Door to the back room. I heard the back door slam shut. 'Tk hurry Please If you even Understood what i meant!' The tears Didn't stop. He growled and Opened his Switch blade. And Started to cut My jeans off.

"We still have about 30 minutes before the police come So you're done for"

He Sliced My Arm Creating a Deep gash As blood Spilled out. He Shoved his fingers in the gash. I screamed Grabbing his wrist with my other hand. He Tuck his fingers out slapping me Hard Causing the gash on my face to open again and The blood from my cut Marking my face.

"I was right... But I would love to see you cut open.."

I sobbed hard As he Moved his knife to my stomach just as he was about to Slam hsi knife into My stomach He got Knock off. I Looked up to see Peter with T.k by the door. Peter Looked at me then got this Sinister look on his face and Pounced at the guy, Grabbing the knife And Tossing it aside. Peter started Repeatedly punching his face as hard as he could As Tk Ran to me Throwing me there Uniform Shirt.

i tried Buttoning it But My hand was shanking And My other arm was to sore to move. TK helped me up and Away from the fight they sat me down in another booth and buttoned by shirt.

"I called the police After I called him okay? There be here In 10 minutes tops!"

I nodded My tears didn't stop they just silently slid down my face as Peter eventually stopped beating him and Walked to me He Picked me up and Kissed my cheek. He Rubbed my back And Gave me his hoodie after that he only had Sweat on and His mesh top and Chocker.

He held me the whole time as we waited for the police. They got there about 4 minutes after. The a guy woke up and Was in handcuffs on the floor talking to the police when Me and peter over heard talking

"She was practically begging for it In the uniform if she Just Cooperated she wouldn't have got hurt"

Peter stood up and Pointed at him he was pissed.


I Pulled him back and Hugged him Whimpering

"J-Just stop i want to go home.."

The Ambulance Stitched me up and Said we could go home but just to watch out for the cut and My arm will be sore for a while. Now me and Peter where laying in his bed as I sobbed into His chest Wearing his hoodie. He rubbed my back Kissing me head whispering in my ear as I fell asleep.

"Your okay Im here. I love you everything is going to be okay"



Yo it got a little Depressing and Sad But Every thing will be Okay!


Ace out~

Why Me...(Peter x reader) YB highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now