12.fucking ..................and T.k

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××××××××××××peters pov××××××××××××

I Woke up around 5am it was still dark out side, i changed into black cargo pants and no top. I waked down the stairs and to The kitchen, i prepared Eggs and toast with water And Walked Down to the basement. When i got to the bottom of the stairs there i saw Y/n curled up in a ball Sleeping. 'you belong to me and me only y/n' i set the plate and Cup down and Shook Y/n trying to wake her. She didn't Wake up she Turned over her hair falling away from her face letting me see her soft lips and S/c
'shes so pretty.. I wont let anyone hurt her '

I Shook her again and this time she groaned and Turned over Holding herself ,

"Darling its time to wake up, i made you breakfast"

She moaned and groaned Before sitting up and rubbing her eyes and looking at me

"M-morning "

She yawned And scratched her head messing up her hair in the process, I kissed her cheek and Grabbed the plate, handing it to her. I stood up and Went to walk upstairs i was half way to the door when Y/n spoke up.

"Um peter could i get something to Do when im down here? Maybe you could sit with me and we could watch tv? On the computer?"

I turned around a nodded. I walked up stairs and Threw myself on the couch groaning. 'What am i doing i love her more then anything' i walkes to my room and grabbed the Key from my night stand and A par of clothes, i walked back down to Y/n and I saw her sat up and look at me. "Wheres the computer?" She looked at me confused.

"Im going to Unlock u and let you stay with me upstairs but you got to promise me you wont run away cause all this is for your own good" she rapidly nodded and sat up straighter smiling. I walked over to her and lightly grabbed her ankle and undid the ankle cuff. She smiled and jumped one me hugging me as we fell back wards. "I promise i wont run away, i love you!" Y/n said while hugging me tightly,I put my hand on her head and Petted her head lightly.
"I love you too" i picked her up and i tuck her upstairs and sat her on the couch. She smiled while i handed her a sweater, y/n started putting the sweater on while i put Shorts on her. I kissed he hand and Sat next to her and Started cuddling her.

×××××××××××your pov××××××××××××××

I cuddled into peters chest, 'god i missed this i made a mistake running away, right now all i want is just to love peter and stay with him for ever' i looked up at him and Smiled. He peter looked at me with a questioning face,
"What the fuck you smiling at" I giggled and kissed him, he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me back. He sat up pulled me up onto his lap,'God i missed this,he's so fucking sexy and i love him' Peter broke the kiss and Started sucking on my neck making a hickey,
I put my head in the crook of peters neck and Peter tuck his lips off my neck and rubbed my back, " are you okay to continue darling?" I nodded and got of his lap while i tuck my shorts off and As peter tuck off his pants and boxers. I sat back down on his lap and started grinding on him, he grabbed my hips and Pushed me down so i was pressed against his dick. He pulled my underwear to the side and pushed into me,
i groaned and Put my head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck while i started riding him, "God,Y/n i love you so much" He Groaned and Started thrusting up into me, i Gripped the back of his shirt and Moaned relaxing my body letting him fuck up into me. "Y/n im so in love with you, your mine and only mine Promise me ughh! Shit~ that y/n" i Moaned out and hugged him closer, " i-i~ Promise Peter!~" he Grabbed my Hips and started slamming my hips down onto his dick while we both moaned and groaned in pleasure.
We kept going at this pass for a while till we both got close to orgasming and we started going faster and When we about came he held me down all the way as we cummed I Was digging my nails into peters back. We sat in the same position for a good couple of minutes before Peter Slowly pulled me off him and sat me down on the spot next to him on the couch as he pulled his boxers up and kicked his pants off. He Grabbed a rag and Cleaned up my thighs and pussy then Laid down and pulled me onto his chest. I grabbed the remote from the table and Put on a Disney movie. I leaned my head on peters chest while he played with my hair as we watched the movie.

××××××××××××Time skip×××××××××××××

I woke up to A knock at a door,i sat up lightly and Shook peter whe yawning. peter Jolted awake"whaat" He Peaked open one of his eyes, "The door" i rubbed my eyes while Sitting by peters feet as he got up and Threw his pants on an Threw his shirt at me. I put his shirt on before he answered the door, It was T.k? I was kinda blocked from thr vision of the door but by the peak of greyish Green hair Im guessing Its T.K.

"What the fuc-"
Peter was cut off by T.Ks Voice and As Peter tripped back wards but didn't fall He caught himself before he could Hit he ground.
"I know you tuck her! Where the fuck is she!" T.k sounded Pissed Their voice.
I stood up and Walked behind Peter and peaked my head our from behind His body, "T.K?" "Y/N!" T.K ran to me and hugged me, but I pushed him off
"Why are you here?" T.K scoffed lightly
"Where were you for two days, I woke up in the hospital and They said they thought someone broke in" I gulped,
'I was just kidnapped by a Hot gothic guy and We had sex twice' " I decided to stay with Peter and I left my phone charge so I just let my phone die, i forgot to text you from peters phone sorry" T.K groaned and messed with his hair," Your and Idiot Y/n" peter finally Moved and he got infront of me and Shoved T.k back a little,Peter Gestured to the door
"Now will you eye the fuck out of my house and stop accusing me of shit!" T.k just looked fucking confused and Peter pushed him out of the house and Slammed the door locking it. 'Damn i iust let peters voice resonate in my head for a minute and God damn his voice was hot in the morning' Peter Looked at me and smirked taking off his pants, "Lets Fuck again" I stated laughing my ass off and Tuck peters shirt off, Peter Jogged over to me picking me up and spinning me before putting my down on the couch,While we laughed

'Damn i love him'


SORRY THIS CHAPTER TUCK SO LONG TO MAKE! Writers block hit me like a truck So i didn't write for a while but i stayed up last night writing this so Enjoy your new chapter

Ace out~

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