11. w-what?

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Warning semi gore involved and Maybe A lil non con to dub con to consensual in the next few chapters

×××××××××××××Y/N pov×××××××××××××

   Where am i? I blinked adjusting to the little light that's illuminating the room. I sat up but There was a resistance from my ankle i looked down there was Cuff around my ankle and a chain connecting that was Connected to the floor. I looked up and saw peter

"P-peter Whats going in where am i?"

" your my house In the basement y/n"

"W-why? Wait is Tk okay! "

"Always about them huh! What about me i cared for you I care for you! But you still run back to them"

He stood up and Walked twords me he stopped right in front of me and bent down. He smiled and Tuck his pocket knife out of and Grabbed my thigh.

"Maybe i should remind you owns you"

"NO! I-ill be good I wont bring them up again!"


He dropped his smile and Stabbed his knife Right next to my leg into the mattress i was on. I squeaked and Shuffled away from the knife. Peter grabbed my face and Kissed me hard. I kissed back

'im scared but i can deny my feeling for peter God hes hot no! I should be pushing him away Fuck it Just enjoy it While this lasts'

He pulled back as a string of saliva connecting our lips. He sat down and put me on his lap he grabbed my hips and Started grinding my hips down onto his. I held back a moan/Gasp,Peter tuck my shirt off and Threw across the room. He shuffled his Pants down and pulled his semi limp Dick out. He started to grind up onto me while Grabbing my neck.

"Now im going to fuck you on this mattress wether you like it or not"


I Slammed me down onto the bed My ankle yanking the chain. Peter grabbed his knife and Went to cut my panties off but i Closed my legs so he anciently cut my leg slightly.  He growled and Slammed my legs open and Put his knees on them

"Keep these fucking legs open!"

I whimpers and Tears Fell down my face. 'i want this but Not Like this i don't want to be chained to the floor i want to be in peters room with him being gentle not like this...'

I gripped onto the bed As peter cut my panties off then slammed into me. I let out a broken moan. I grabbed peters shoulder but he grabbed my hands and held then above me as He continued to Pound into me With no remorse. It hurt more then it was pleasurable. Peter was letting out animalistic moans and growls. He Let go of my hands And grabbed my face pushing it into the mattress.

"Fuck Darling Look at you taking mt cock so nicely~ your probably enjoying this sick twisted Fucking scenario arent you"

'He wanst wrong as much as i was scared i was turned on Why? I dont know but Im just going to relax and take it '

"F-fuck peter slow down It hurts to much!~"

He pulled out completely and then Turned me around ass up and Held my head Into the mattress and started fucking me Rougher and Harder.

'Fuck fuck fuck! I might cum already !'

"You dont tell me what to do darling!"

He Pulled my hair back and held me against his chest but my throat Chocking me while fucking into me from behind. In this position he could Hit ever Spot that drove me wild.

I grabbed onto his hand that was around my throat as it got tighter and while i Came around Peters cock. I let out a choked moan. He chuckled and loosened the grip on my throat and Held my hips and he kept on thrusting into me

"You came? You really Ahh!~ fuck Like this dont you~"

I started to shake my body was warn out and tired but Peter Kept fucking me. I Gripped his arm as tears spelt from my E/c(eye color)

"P-peter please stop~.. Ughh!~"

He Slapped me And Grabbed my hair slamming my face into the Mattress hard.

"Shut the fuck up!"

I laid there as peter fucked me for his enjoyment as I cried holding myself while my cheek stung from the slap. After 20 minutes and Cumming 2 more times peter Finally came. When we has done he got dressed and Grabbed my hair forcing my face up kissing me.

"Sorry darling Ill be nicer next time. Ill bring you some water, Plan b, and Food in a little,sarah at our parents house for 2 months so Ill only have you in here for maybe one month Sorry darling got to teach u to be a good girl got it?"

I nodded and smiled

"ill be good i promise"

" if you hold up to that promise You'll be out of the basement in no time"

He left up the stairs and as soon as the door shut i curling myself into a ball sobbing But stopped after a little.

'I was going to come back anyways Plus peter loves me i should just give in maybe Yeah ill be good peter is the person that loves me and cares for me!'

I Cuddled up to myself and Fell asleep. I woke up a while later and saw a glass of water,box of pills, and A plate of spaghetti with a fork. I sat up and grabbed the plate of food and tuck a bite, it was semi cold but I Didn't care. Once i finished the plate of food i tuck the plan b and downed the water glass. That's when i heard the door open and peter walking down the stairs. He Had a pile of clothes in his hand.

"I brought you some clothes but Im going to have to take the cuff off your ankle to put them on you so don't do anything stupid"

"I promise i won't"

He gets a key off of a neckless from Under his shirt. He unlocked my cuff and then grabbed My legs and Tuck the skirt off me and slide black panties on me Then Put Pajama pants on me and Tossed me A Zip up blue hoodie.  I kissed my head and then cuff me ankle again.

"I love you and ill be back later"

"I love you too! C-can I uh stay with you in your room next time?"

He stoped and looked at me

"Maybe darling"



Hope you liked this chapter It got a little Serious in the smut but i think i fits the. Stockholm Syndrome idea i had

Tell me your thoughts in the Comment's!

Ace out~

Why Me...(Peter x reader) YB highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now