10. i wish i was..

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×××××××××××××your pov××××××××××××

    Tk woke me up and gave me breakfast in bed. I smiled and Before they left i grabbed there hand.

"Thanks tk..."

"No problem im going to walk to the supermarket and get some stuff then ill be back "

I nodded and Started eating the pancake's. After i finished eating i got dressed is Comfy clothes and Washed the dishes. I went to go sit down when the Door opened an tk walked in holding a daisy.

" i found on my walk and i got some snacks too"

"Its Beautiful Tk"

Tks other hands rubbed the back of there neck as they closed there eyes and smiled at me

"Not as Beautiful as you"

I blushed But Then Felt guilty

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I blushed But Then Felt guilty... Peters my boyfriend I shouldnt be feeling this way towards Tk there my best friend and co worker. I let out a Soft chuckle and Got up tuck the daisy and Put it in a cup of water before i turned to Tk

"Haha thanks Tk Its a beautiful flower ima go take a shower but then ill come back down"

I ran to the guest room and grabbed some clothes then went to the bathroom and closed the door. I threw My clothes down and curled up on the floor With my knees to my chest.

"Why me.. Why cant this be easier.. Peter still loves me right Yeah peter cares about me More then Tk maybe in ready to go back... Ill leave tomorrow then.."

I slowly stood up with tears Pooling at my water line. I wiped them away and Got undressed the hoped into the shower. I washed my hair and body before rinsing off and Hoping out of the shower i grabbed my towel and looked at the fogged up mirror... T-there was a heart drawn on it.. Did Tk do this... No he wouldn't have maybe its just a coincidence. I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them on slipping on the fluffy socks Peter got me.

I checked the time before i Left the bathroom 11:30am. I walked out to the kitchen and Tk was just sitting in the living room with there work clothes on. They saw me and stood up grabbing there bag and walked to the door.

"I got called in but Imma be back at 10:30pmish"

I nodded and they Left closing the door behind them. I sighed and Got a glass of water and then walked to my room/guest room putting the cup down on the desk as i pulled out my journal, i grabbed a pen and started writing.

    ' i dont know how to feel rn Tk is a Great person and Cares about me a lot but peter.. He dose to and He Loves me a lot , He Takes care of me, he Shows me he loves me. He might not Act like it sometimes but He dose love me and i love him too its a strong word but Now that ive been away from him for 3 days i miss his touch and his determined and Passionate kiss's. I think im going to go back tomorrow And Tell him everything and Finally open up to him.
But I have a weird feeling like something is going to go bad or im horny? I dont known
Blah blah blah


I groaned and tuck a drink of water then threw myself onto the bed. I groaned and Turned around facing the ceiling. I started to think about peter and the way he touches me, the way his strong hands don't stop for a second In till i cum. I slipped my hand down my shorts and Slowly pushed in 2 fingers.

"F-Fuuuck Peter~"

I started to finger fuck myself thinking about peter. After a while i came onto my finger wishing peter was here to Rail me right now.
(A/n : i dont have the mental capacity to write a smut rn sorry)

I checked the time it it was about 1ish
I decided to clean up then take a nap. And thats what i did passing out Holding onto a pillow wishing it was peter.

I woke up 3 hours later around 4:30pm and i got up changing into Joggers and a sweater Deciding to Walk to the conner store and buy snacks. I put my wallet in my pocket and then left the apartment. I walked out of the apartment complex and Down the street enjoying the fresh air. I walked into the Store and Grabbed some chips And candy with My favorite soda and Checked out. I was caring the bag to the Apartment when i saw peter With a girl... She was Holding onto his arm her tits Presses against his arm. I unconsciously made eye contact with him and Smiled with tears in my eyes and started to jog off. I made it to Tks Apartment and Locked myself in sliding down the door. Maybe he doesn't love me i-No he loves me And i love him. I got up and Walked To the kitchen putting the soda in the fridge and tuck the bag of snacks to the living room. The rest fo the day watching tv and eating junk food. It was about 10 pm when i went to bed cuddling into my pillow and bed Wishing i was cuddling with peter.

I woke up to the sound a Crashing and banging from the living room i slowly opened my door then walking to the living room and Saw peter standing above Tk with a baseball bat. He looked at me with a crazed smile and walked twords me

"Hello darling~ no more leaving okay? I love you and Your Not Going to Leave right!"


"Good now its time to go to sleep darling~" 


Everything faded to black before i could finish mg sentence

×××××××××××peters pov×××××××××××××

I swung my bat knocking Darling out. I picked her up and Threw her over my shoulder. How dare she run off to this pathetic Person as i walked past then i kick there body as hard as i could and heard a crack. I laughed probably broke there ribs. I switched darlings position so i was holder her bridal style and and Looked at her face and kissed her. God i missed her I missed touching her and cuddling her and Fucking her. God I have a fucking boner rn. I hoped out the window holding Y/n tight to my chest and Walked home. I walked to the basement and put darling onto a mattress then grabbed some of her clothes from my room and Changed her into Her Skirt and Sweater. God she is so Beautiful. I put the chain connected to the floor onto her ankle. Y/n was obedient so it wont take long for her to follow the new rule's... I sat on the stairs and watches her waiting for her to wake up..


Sooooooo Drama! And a little cliffhanger. Tk is alive just beat pretty bad. Y/n is not Technically kidnapped and peter had gon complete psycho but its kinda hot
Hope you liked this chapter

Ace out~

Why Me...(Peter x reader) YB highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now