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Yeosang was once again sitting on this uncomfortable couch, staring at the window as though it was about to magically open. He had stopped counting the numerous hours he had spent in that exact same position. The person in front of him was still waiting for him to answer her last question, which he pretended not to hear. It was always the same thing over and over anyway.

She would call him into her office with her annoyingly soft voice. He would stand up, hands in his pockets, and sit on that green couch, while she sat on her leather spinning chair. Then, they would spend an hour there, her asking questions and him ignoring her openly. He didn't choose this. He didn't want to come, yet he did. Why? He honestly didn't know. Probably because it was the only reason he came out of his apartment. This, and his nightlife. That still didn't mean he was going to open up to her, confide his darkest thoughts. He knew deep down she was only waiting for him to let the tears out, so she could feel like she was doing something. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. He'd rather die.

However, her last question was still ringing in his ears, dancing in front of his eyes, causing Yeosang to close them. It wasn't a new question; he had heard it a thousand times. Yet, it was the only question he didn't have an answer to, even though he thought about it every day.

   - Are you really happy that way, Yeosang?

He didn't know. Was he? At least, he couldn't be more miserable than that day. He forced himself to believe that what he was doing was plenty enough to make him go through the day. That must've meant he was fine, right? Those men didn't care about him, but that wasn't the most important. What mattered was the insurance that for a few hours, he was useful to someone. Wasn't it all that mattered, all for which he was good? Of course, it was. In that case, then yes, he was happy. He didn't answer though, only holding back a gasp as her psychologist's voice echoed through the room again.

    - What is it, Yeosang? Tell me, are you really happy knowing that you won't be anything else to their eyes than the guy they saw one night and forgot the name?

Seriously, what kind of shrink is that? However, her question raised memories he was trying so hard to forget. His father's hand on his cheek, his mother's tears, his sister, swearing she would be there for him, them. He could feel all his anger coming up, making his body shake as he was desperately trying to repress it. She never went that far, even after all the silent treatment Yeosang was offering her. He knew she was only looking for a reaction, anything that would prove she wasn't just wasting her oh-so-precious time. He tried to resist, for the friend to whom he had promised to try and get better. But this idiot wouldn't stop talking.

   - Come on, give me something. Otherwise, I won't have any other choice but to stop our sessions and advise you to see someone else.

There we were. She was going to abandon him too. That's when he snapped, raising for the first time in months his voice in the small room.

   - What are you waiting for then, uh? Do what everyone else did, leave me alone! I never needed you anyway, I'm perfectly fine the way I am.

   - Mister Kang, please sit down and lower your voice!

   -Fuck you!

The young man was out of control. Books were thrown in the room, glass was shattered; the scene was so violent that Yeosang had to stop to take his breath, running a hand in his (blond) hair to get it out of his face. The woman was too stunned to speak. He was already regretting his actions, but there was no turning back now. So, instead of just apologizing, he took his phone that fell out of his pocket and ran outside, bumping into someone on the way. He didn't even look up. All he wanted was to go back home, run himself a bath and forget about this awful day.


As he was playing with his hands under the desk, the young boy was wondering what he was really doing here. He didn't really have any issues, he was happy, so why did his parents have to insist about his need for an appointment? But even though he didn't really understand why he came, he still answered every question with an apparent cheeriness on his face.

   -How was your childhood, Wooyoung?

   -It was great! I went to the beach all the time with my parents, my dad used to throw me in the water to make me laugh. Oh, and they would always take me to go buy ice cream on Saturdays, we tried so many flavours, I loved it!

   -And how did you feel when they told you, you would have a little brother?

The dark-haired boy seemed to think for a second, putting his finger on his chin.

   - I think I was happy. I was excited to know I wouldn't be alone with my parents anymore.

   - And now? How do you feel?

   - I miss him. But he'll be back soon, so I don't worry too much. I know he's having fun with his friends, so I don't bother him.

He flashed a big smile, but for the first time since the beginning, the psychologist's eyes met his.

   -Wooyoung, you know that-

A loud noise echoed in the whole floor, cutting the man in his sentence. It made the black-haired boy jump on his chair, his heart beating a lot faster when he heard a voice coming from outside the door. A man was screaming, and even though he couldn't understand what was said, he could hear the pain behind his voice. He stood up in a desperate attempt to see what was happening, but his therapist was faster than him and beat him to the door.

-I'm gonna make sure it is safe for you to come out. I'm sorry our session has to end like that, but I will see you next week, same time?

- Yes of course!

Once again, Wooyoung spoke with a huge smile on his face, confusing the man in front of him who tried his best not to show it. As he opened the door, the floor became quieter, and it was soon safe for the young man to come out. Unfortunately, he bumped into someone as he turned around to say goodbye to his psychologist, causing the other person to walk faster. He couldn't see his face, but he found himself being strangely intrigued by this man, and hoping he would be here next week, same time.

1168 words

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